Date Archives January 2025

14 Best Finance Books for Beginners (2025 Guide!)

The Best Financial Books for Beginners To Read

Naturally, you’ll also need to surround yourself with people in the know, who have your best interest at heart, but let’s not jump too far ahead of the story.

The problem with this tactic is that there are now thousands of financial literacy books out there, and it’s hard to choose the best ones.

Luckily for you, I already got through hundreds of them, and thus, I believe I can give out some honest recommendations from the heart.

Here are some of my personal favorites, in no particular order.

1. Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps

Would you be willing to accept financial advice from a 28-year-old?

If you’re anything like me, that idea seemed preposterous at first. However, I still decided to give it a go.

The young author of this book is a lady named Kelly Williams Brown, and she decided to put her own personal twist on this topic. 

Every great journey starts with a single step, and Kelly wasn’t afraid to take as many steps as she needed on her way to complete financial independence.

At the very end, she stopped at 468, a point where she was happy to declare herself as an “adult.”

I’ll be honest with you, some of these steps seemed quite trivial, but at the end of the day, some people can really appreciate the exact blueprint to follow. One thing’s for sure, you will laugh and enjoy this easy read. If you dare yourself to approach this book with an open mind, you might walk out with a completely different mindset.

And no, in case you were wondering, you don’t have to be in your teenage years to fully appreciate it.

Regardless of your age, chances are, you’ll always be coming back to this awesome read.

The best way to describe it, in my mind, is to consider it as a friend who seemingly always has all the answers.

Get it here.

2. The Wealthy Barber

Wow, what an interesting name, right?

Still, if you’ve done your research on great financial self-help reads, I’m sure this one caught your attention early on.

One thing I can appreciate about the author David Chilton is the fact that he keeps trying to improve the formula, and thus, we came to the third edition of this bestseller, which is currently available.

Unlike most of the other publications within the financial niche, Chilton didn’t focus on how to make the most money possible.

In fact, his goal was to showcase that even people with average salaries can make a fine living for themselves, just by making sound decisions ahead of time.

One other thing worth mentioning is that Chilton focused on the big picture, and also included a section on how to create your retirement plans.

If you are searching for an easy-to-comprehend read to get you into the game, this is a great place to start.

Buy it here.

3. I Will Teach You To Be Rich

A six-week training program to become financially independent?

To me, that sounded more like a fitness than a finance book, but excellent reviews practically forced me to see what the author Ramit Sethi had to say on the topic.

Luckily, I also belonged to the target audience, as this read is primarily intended for individuals between the ages of 20 to 35.

Sethi claims that the key to a stable financial plan is to approach things without guilt, allowing yourself to enjoy the journey.

At a certain point, if you start to follow his path, you will become automatic at making sound financial decisions, and the whole process will come completely naturally.

Judging from my experiences, this is a vital component, as the most complicated plans start wearing down on you after a while. You wouldn’t want to make it feel like work.

By taking a steady approach, Sethi is teaching us how to become more financially savvy one week after another.

After you complete the six-week course, you are guaranteed to walk out with a much better understanding of credit cards, how to manage your bank account, why it’s important to splurge on the stuff you have a passion for, and how to invest smartly in the process.

You can get it here.

4. If You Can: How Millennials Can Get Rich Slowly

Looking for something short and sweet? Then this read is a must!

There are no excuses this time, no matter how busy you are or how short your attention span might be, you should be able to go through this 50-page masterpiece with ease.

William J Bernstein did a great job detailing the hurdles one has to jump over in order to get into the world of investments.

Truth be told, this is not a read I would recommend to absolute beginners, but if you have at least some knowledge on this topic, you will be blown away by the quality of content found in this condensed publication.

People around the globe cannot stop raving about how terrific it is, and I would gladly support those claims.

What’s more, when it comes to financial books, this booklet is dirt cheap, and if you are being serious about your investments, you absolutely cannot miss it!

You can buy it here.

5. Personal Finance For Dummies

You’d think that being called a dummy would insult a whole lot of people, but as it turns out, these self-help books were constant bestsellers, so there must be something to it.

All jokes aside, but I don’t mind being called a dummy in order to get the best advice from a financial counselor guru such as Eric Tyson.

Are you feeling under pressure due to that impending doom is known as the high-interest debt?

Well, this book offers some techniques to help you get on top of it.

Not only that, but Personal Finance For Dummies will also teach you how to track your spending, and develop a strategy for the future.

What I like best about this publication is the simple English that the author used, without any fancy terminology that’s hardly comprehensible to the general public.

Well, it should come as no surprise, as Tyson already wrote several books for dummies. You can say that he really cracked the code.

Get it here.

6. The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life

It’s always better to be uninformed than misinformed.

I believe it’s this exact sentence that was constantly popping up inside the head of the author JL Collins while writing this book.

It’s hard to put your trust behind a book, when you don’t even personally know the author behind it, but this publication has quite an interesting backstory.

It was constructed based on letters Collins used to send to his daughter.

Naturally, most of those letters contained financial advice, but Collins also had to wrap it all up in a neat package, as all the finances were pretty dry and boring to his, then teenage, daughter.

Besides the obvious things, such as strategies on how to amount the wealth in the first place, the author takes a deeper look behind the scenes, trying to explain why having “F-you money” is the thing we should all strive toward.

If you’re tired of all the fluff content that everyone keeps pushing upon us these days, and you’re looking for data-driven facts, definitely check out this gem.

Get it on Amazon.

7. A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing

In case you have decided to search for this publication now, you’ve probably seen that it currently sells its ninth edition!

That’s right, it would appear that the author Burton G. Malkiel is a very detail-orientated man. Well, I guess any decent financial advisor should be.

However, being very detail-orientated can sometimes bring you the title of being very boring as well.

I won’t lie to you, this book sure has its dry bits, there’s no going around it.

Despite those sections, if you look at the whole publication, I would gladly claim that some of the information you can find here, cannot be found anywhere else.

In the world of finances, that is a rare gift that should be celebrated.

If you think that you already know everything about the stock market, prepare to have your mind blown to pieces!

After reading these battle-tested examples, nothing will ever be the same. And that’s a good thing!

Buy it on Amazon.

8. Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money – That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

Ah, finally, here’s a man who’s not afraid to talk about assets.

In a way, that message resonates through the entirety of this bestseller, written by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Now, try to understand just how difficult of a job Mr. Kiyosaki faced, trying to tell people that they’ve been living their lives entirely wrong.

You see, most people consider their home as their most prized possession, but Kiyosaki considers it more of a wasted opportunity.

Instead, he advises his audience to invest in things such as Businesses, Real Estate, and Paper assets.

Additionally, he insists that cash flow is the king, and that net worth is a figure which has no real value anyway.

With that in mind, why would I recommend this book?

At the very least, it will give you an entirely different perspective on life, as it might lead you to alter your long-term goals and motivate you to challenge the existing order.

It’s never a bad thing to think outside the box every once in a while.

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, and you know a thing or two about my life, you probably already noticed that I didn’t exactly follow the rules provided by this book.

Still, don’t think that just because you don’t agree with the basic principle there are no valuable lessons to learn from the whole thing. Quite the contrary, in fact.

Buy it here.

9. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy

The road to getting wealthy requires tons of effort, and it’s not easy to get there.

Heck, if it was, wouldn’t everybody already be there?

When you put it this way, it almost seems like a mission impossible, as if it was only meant for a specific number of people.

If you’re in this club congratulations, but if not, guess what, you ain’t never getting in there.

No, that couldn’t be the case, right?

If we were just able to draw some parallels between wealthy people, perhaps we would be able to find the pattern?

With that achieved, would it be possible to work on those things and reap massive success afterward?

All of these complicated questions can be answered if you just read this tremendous publication.

It points to seven common traits found in the wealthiest people in the world, and explains how you can get there eventually, if you start working on it today.

Are you willing to put in the work?

Get it here.

10. The Richest Man in Babylon: (The Success Secrets of the Ancients – the Most Inspiring Book on Wealth Ever Written)

A self-proclaimed most inspiring book regarding financial well-being ever?

Talk about high expectations. Luckily for the author, George S Clason, the audience worldwide tends to agree with that statement.

What most of these finance books struggle with is the problem of becoming eventually outdated.

However, chances are that the problem of procrastination will be around for as long as the human race roams the earth, so there are no worries regarding this publication.

Even though it’s published quite some time ago, this marvel still contains a bunch of useful information that can get your life back on track in an instant.

When it comes to managing personal finances, it’s generally regarded as a classic you shouldn’t miss.

Before I eventually got around to reading it, I had some prejudice, as I thought it would be just another one of those self-help motivating pieces that offered no real-world substance.

Boy, was I wrong! Even nowadays, when I’m a grown man, with many business ventures behind me, I still come back to this masterpiece from time to time, in seek of that eternal motivation. It never failed me thus far.

You can buy it here.

11. The Feminist Financial Handbook: A Modern Woman’s Guide to a Wealthy Life

A colleague of mine, Brynne Conroy, in 2018 wrote the #1 Amazon New Release The Feminist Financial Handbook.

If you’ve ever felt like all the money advice you read is for those who have already “made it,” this book is for you.

It looks at the effects intersectional oppression–whether that be classism, racism, homophobia or sexism–have on our personal economies.

But rather than having a “woe is me” attitude, the pages in this book include ways to work around the many financial obstacles you may face.

As you read, you’ll be both inspired to change the system as a whole, and inspired to take control of your personal finances as you work within that system.

It’s a source of empowerment that doesn’t diminish the real fiscal struggles everyday Americans live through.

Grab your copy here.

12. Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk: How to Have Essential Conversations With Your Parents About Their Finances

All of the books I have recommended focus on improving your own finances and growing your wealth.

But as every adult will discover, they’ll have to get involved in one way or another with their parents’ finances.

As parents age, adult children often have to step in and help them with money matters. And when parents die, the children have to deal with what’s left behind.

This book by award-winning financial journalist Cameron Huddleston helps you get over your fears of having money conversations with your parents and walks you through the process step-by-step.

There’s no other book out there like it, and it should be required reading for anyone who will have to get involved with their parents’ financial lives – which is pretty much all of us.

Get a copy here.

13. Napkin Finance: Build Your Wealth in 30 Seconds or Less

If you’re new to personal finance and the thought of diving into a long, word-heavy book is intimidating, Napkin Finance might be the best personal finance book for you to start with!

It covers basic financial concepts in bite-sized (well, napkin-sized) lessons, with simplicity and humor. Visual learners will appreciate the infographics and illustrations.

However, it’s worth repeating that this is definitely a basic book. It may be one of the best financial books for beginners, kids, and teens, or anyone who wants a simple crash course to get their financial knowledge started.

If you’re more advanced, you’ll likely find most of the information repetitive. Napkin Finance does make a perfect gift for a high schooler who’s getting interested in money.

Grab a copy here!

14. Quit Like a Millionaire: No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required

If JL Collins is too conservative for you then this is a must-read. This is one of those “from zero to hero” books. It is a story of how Kristy Shen achieved financial independence starting from zero with no business to support her on her way.

It is a good motivational book with a story that seems easy for anyone to replicate but some claims are questionable. Ie. she said that dividends can shield you from market volatility.

The book offers practical advice and strategies for achieving financial independence, with an emphasis on frugality, smart investing, and prioritizing experiences over material possessions.

Key principles discussed in the book include understanding the concept of ‘enough,’ which involves determining what you truly need to live a fulfilling life and learning to differentiate between wants and needs. The book also encourages saving aggressively by cutting expenses, increasing income, and investing wisely.

Investing in low-cost index funds is recommended as a passive investment strategy, which provides diversification and minimizes risk. The authors advise minimizing taxes by utilizing tax-advantaged accounts and strategies to optimize investments.

Embracing geo-arbitrage is another strategy presented in the book, which involves considering relocation to lower-cost areas, both domestically and internationally, to stretch your money further and reach financial independence faster.

11 Jobs That Pay Over $200k A Year Without A Degree

When it comes to jobs that pay over 200k a year, you might immediately think of careers that require an advanced degree, such as doctors, dentists, or lawyers.

But the truth is plenty of high-earning jobs are available that don’t require a degree. Whether you’re a creative person or enjoy working with numbers, there is a job out there that will suit you.

These careers can bring in more than $200k a year without requiring a bachelor’s degree.

Contents [show]

Real Estate Associate

As a real estate associate, you will be responsible for managing the buying and selling of properties, negotiating contracts, and providing expert advice to your clients. This job requires strong interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and an in-depth understanding of the real estate industry.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for real estate brokers and sales agents was between $65,460 and $175,000 in 2022. However, top earners in this field can make over 200k a year, especially if they work in high-end markets or specialize in luxury properties.

One way to boost your earning potential as a real estate associate is to work for a large brokerage firm that offers commission-based compensation. In this model, you’ll earn a percentage of the sale price every time you close a deal, which means that your earnings will depend directly on how many properties you can sell.

Voice-Over Artist

If you have a talent for creating distinct voices or narrating stories, then a career as a voice-over artist might be the right choice for you.

Voice-over artists provide their voices for films, TV shows, commercials, video games, and other audio productions. To be successful in this field, you’ll need an outstanding voice that can convey different emotions, accents, and timing.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for voice-over artists in the United States is $68,962, with some top-earning professionals making over 200k a year.

Please note that voice-over work can be highly competitive, and you’ll need to have connections in the industry or a remarkable portfolio of past projects to stand out from the crowd.

Business Owner

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a knack for making smart business decisions, starting your own company could be the path to wealth and success.

As a business owner, your income potential is almost limitless, as you can scale up your operations and hire more employees as your company grows.

The amount of money you can make as a business owner will depend on the field you choose, your level of investment, and your ability to attract and retain customers. However, many successful entrepreneurs earn over $200k a year or millions of dollars.

SEE: 7 Businesses You Can Start With $5,000 or Less

Some of the most profitable industries for small business owners include tech startups, e-commerce, healthcare, and real estate.

To increase your chances of success, consider working with experienced business mentors, networking with other entrepreneurs, and investing in marketing strategies that help you reach your target audience.

Social Media Marketer

Social media has become one of the most important marketing channels for businesses of all sizes, and as a result, the demand for skilled social media marketers has skyrocketed. As a social media marketer, your job will be to create and implement social media campaigns that drive leads, increase brand awareness, and engage with customers.

According to PayScale, the average annual salary for social media marketers in the United States is $51,311; more experience and skillset can make an individual earn up to 200k. This job requires excellent communication skills, a creative mindset, and proficiency in social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

To stand out as a social media marketer, you must demonstrate your expertise by building a strong portfolio of past campaigns, developing a deep understanding of social media analytics and metrics, and staying up-to-date with the industry’s latest trends and best practices.

Web Developer

Web development is in high demand as large and small businesses look to build and maintain their online presence. If you have an eye for detail, technical skills, and experience in coding, web development can be a lucrative career choice. According to Indeed, web developers in the United States earn an average annual salary of $75,000. However, those at the top of the field can earn upwards of $200,000 annually.

As a web developer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining websites, often working with teams of designers, marketing specialists, and other development professionals. You’ll need to be comfortable with coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and software applications such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Truck Driver

Truck driving is another career option that can net you a six-figure salary without a degree. With the ongoing demand for goods to be transported across the country, truck drivers are in high demand.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average salary for a truck driver in the United States is $48,000 a year. However, those with experience and seniority can earn upwards of $200,000 annually, transporting oversized freight.

To become a truck driver, you must have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and meet other state and federal requirements. You can typically obtain your CDL through a vocational school or community college, with the option of companies providing on-the-job training.

Independent Contractor

If you have specific skills, such as web design, social media marketing, or graphic design, consider working as an independent contractor.

Independent contractors are self-employed professionals who provide services to businesses and organizations on a contract basis. As an independent contractor, you’ll be responsible for finding work, setting your rates, and managing your finances.

The earning potential for independent contractors can be enormous, with some earning $200,000 a year or more. However, it’s important to remember that you must factor in costs such as taxes, healthcare, and retirement savings.

While the work of an independent contractor can be more flexible, it can also require a higher level of organizational skills, self-discipline, and comfortability with networking and self-promotion.

Stock Trader

Although a finance degree can help you break into the field of trading stocks, it’s not a prerequisite. The art of trading stocks is a high-stress, high-risk career option, but the potential rewards are enormous. According to Glassdoor, experienced stock traders can earn upwards of $200,000 a year, with those working for investment banks earning even more.

To become a stock trader, you’ll need a knack for analysis, patience, a deep understanding of market trends and the ability to react systematically, and the willingness to take risks. Furthermore, trading requires discipline and intuition, learning from mistakes, and unwavering confidence.

Personal Trainer

With an increasing emphasis on health, wellness, and fitness, the demand for personal trainers has never been higher. Personal trainers are trained professionals who work with clients one-on-one to help them achieve their fitness goals.

While a degree in exercise science or kinesiology is helpful, it’s not required. Instead, most gyms and fitness centers require certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

The average annual salary for a personal trainer in the United States is $52,000. However, experienced and certified personal trainers can earn upwards of $200,000 annually.

To succeed as a personal trainer, you must know anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and fitness trends. Furthermore, you must have excellent communication skills, patience, and an ability to connect with people of all ages, abilities, and fitness goals.


Breaking the myth that a college degree is the only path to a high-paying job. There are various professions that offer excellent earning potential without formal education.

From brokers to skilled trades and entrepreneurship, individuals have numerous opportunities to achieve financial success through their skills, experience, and determination.

10 Profitable Rental Business Ideas That Are Scalable

Many business ideas involve selling services or products, often neglecting the benefits and potential of a rental business. Not only do rental businesses require low upkeep, but they also rid you of the many worries you have to face when running a business. 

1. Party Rental Business 

While throwing parties can be a great way of celebrating achievements and milestones in life, it’s no secret that party equipment comes at a hefty price. Based on the number of invitations, your costs can rack up quickly. 

Since it doesn’t make sense to take on the financial strain of throwing only a few parties every once in a while, many people prefer renting them. Renting supplies like tables, decor, chairs, and extras like bounce houses can fetch you a good amount. 

Although the party rental market is significantly busy, finding the right niche can prove instrumental in penetrating the market. To find customers, you can spread the word around in your community or try your luck posting on sites like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. 

2. Car Rentals 

You don’t need much brainstorming to come up with car rentals when considering rental business ideas. If you live in a big city where many don’t own a car or in a city with various vacation destinations, starting a car rental can be quite profitable. 

Nevertheless, operating a successful car rental requires you to have a huge car fleet. While you could start with one car initially, you must look for ways to invest and grow the car choices quickly. But your problem wouldn’t just end at having a fleet of cars. 

You’ll also need adequate space to store the cars in your inventory. If you can work your way around these requirements, starting a car rental is sure to help you achieve a strong revenue stream. 

3. Wedding Rentals 

Although the idea resembles party business rentals, the thriving market calls for wedding rentals to be a standalone idea. 

But if you want to get into this industry, all your equipment must be in pristine condition. Given the desire of many people to have their dream weddings, everyone wants their wedding to go perfectly on the cheap. 

It’s your time to shine and be their unsung hero. Running a rental business allows you to cater the wedding equipment needed to make a wedding go perfectly. Starting a wedding rental business also gives you the room to express your creative side while working with your clients to make their dreams come true. 

4. Furniture Rental

You can’t host a formal gathering with a worn out furniture set. So, in the spirit of being a good host or people looking to change furniture in their office spaces frequently, a furniture rental can be a great choice. 

A furniture rental also works great for parents. Between becoming a newborn to a toddler to a child, parenthood presents the need to get different furniture suitable for the proper upbringing of your children. When looking to buy children’s furniture, prices can quickly skyrocket. Instead, renting the relevant furniture can be a financially sound decision. 

Despite its high demand, the competition in this niche is relatively minimal, giving you room to succeed through apt advertising and setting friendly prices. 

5. Office Space Rental 

Do you have some commercial space vacant? Many businesses, like Software professionals, frequently move, looking for a temporary stop. If a company keeps inducting new members, it’s better to rent office space instead of buying a place to set down the roots. 

To further amp up the profit margin, you could throw in office furniture, like desks and tables. 

When running an office rental business, you can either offer long-term leases to businesses or make your vacant space a co-working office. A co-working space allows you to harbor various small businesses and startups looking for a place to run their operations. 

6. Camera Rental 

Given the high demand for cameras, starting a camera rental service could be a viable passive income business idea. Although a camera can be a great way of capturing memories that you’ll cherish forever, high-quality cameras often go for high prices. 

Whether it be college students or full-blown multinational companies, everyone needs a camera to complete a task. 

When running a camera rental, the clients you’ll attract will depend on the equipment you have. The better your equipment, the more you’ll be able to attract higher-paying clientele. 

Finding customers in a camera rental business is considerably easier. Post an ad on social media services or sites like Craigslist to attract customers. 

7. Clothes Rental 

Seeing the rapid increase at which the fashion industry is pacing, it has become difficult for many people to keep up with trends and buy attire suited for events. Whether it be a formal event or an interview for your dream job, you’ll want to dress appropriately.. 

If your wardrobe has some fashionable apparel lying around, you can start a clothes rental service to make a profit off them. A clothes rental service allows people to look their best without paying hefty prices to buy the formal clothes. 

The best thing about starting a clothes rental service is the low costs involved. The only investment you’ll have to make is to purchase the clothes.

While the earning potential is much lesser compared to the other businesses, the low investments involved can help rack up your profits significantly. 

8. Boat Rental

As the old joke goes, the two best days in a boat owner’s life are the day they buy a boat and the day they sell it. Boat rental businesses thrive on this sentiment, offering a cost-effective alternative for marine enthusiasts.

Customers can rent different types of boats, such as yachts, sailboats, or fishing boats, for various durations and purposes. This service is particularly popular in tourist areas and near major water bodies.

9. Storage Space Rentals

People pay every month or year to keep their stuff in your units, which can be different sizes for personal or business use.

This kind of business is popular with folks who are moving, don’t have enough space at home, or need extra room for their business stuff. It’s a simple way to earn a regular income because there’s always a demand for extra storage space.

10. Musical Instrument Rentals

This can be a business with recurring revenue because you often get repeat customers. People, especially students or beginners, might rent instruments for a long time, like for a school year or during their learning phase.

This business is also good for folks who need a special instrument for a short period, like for a concert or a music festival. Since people often come back to rent again or might keep renting for months, you can build a steady stream of income with this business.

12 Best Things To Sell on Etsy to Make Money

If you’ve been an avid reader of my blog, FinSavvy Panda, then you probably know how much I’m an advocate for earning in the comforts of your home and taking on hobbies that make money.

Who wouldn’t want to make money doing what you love, especially when you get to hone your creativity skills?

Whenever I think of crafts to make and sell, the next thing to plan is where to sell them. The one surefire platform I always recommend is Etsy, the ultimate hub for all the unique creations people love buying from.

Come on, like you haven’t skimmed through different product listings on Etsy, or even bought a couple of cute stuff (because I know I did)!

With almost 95 million active buyers on Etsy, as well as the many millennials and Gen Z babies, looking for quirky crafts, it makes sense to take advantage of that market and start selling.

Uh, and selling what, exactly?

I share a couple of things you can sell on Etsy so you have your own side hustles from home!

PIN THIS: I’ll be updating this post so make sure to pin this image here and save it to your Pinterest board. That way you’ll be able to come back to this page to learn about the best things to sell on Etsy!


Understanding Etsy’s Market

If you want to know what to sell on Etsy, you have to understand that there’s more to making a profit than selling random crafts and posting them online.

Meaning, you need to be aware of Etsy’s audience and what they typically look for.

This can be done through proper market research, which involves understanding Etsy’s target audience, and what your competitors are selling, as well as SEO keyword research to put your listing on the top of the search results.

To give you a gist of what type of market you’re dealing with, here are important statistics to be aware of:

While today’s crafting world seems to be dominated by women and those identifying themselves as such, the numbers seem to be shifting, with Etsy’s male customer base increasing by a whopping 124% since 2019,

Most of Etsy’s online buyers are millennials between the ages of 18-35 years old, though there are a few outliers of more mature customers looking for unique creations for their homes or events.

A popular trend to watch out for is wedding items, with the keyword “personalized gift” being one of the most searched topics on the platform.

Other popular trends include Christmas, custom or handmade crafts, vintage products, and even video games.

This goes to show how people continue to look for unique (and even cute) crafts and items they can’t readily find elsewhere. People are after one-of-a-kind, high-quality products, which you should consider when determining what your small business should offer.

With all these statistics in mind, here are the best things to sell on Etsy that will help you earn more sales and profit in the long run.

1. Handmade Jewelry

I’m not saying that diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend, but I have to make an exception when it comes to handmade jewelry!

There’s something that feels even more romantic when gifting someone a personalized necklace with their initials, or even a locket with a cute photo, may it be a pic as a couple, family, or your doggo!

Other than personalized necklaces, there are more types of handmade jewelry you can sell, like birthstone rings, bracelets with Zodiac signs (for the astrology girlies), and drop earrings, which have become one of the more popular jewelry pieces on Etsy!

While it’s a fantastic business idea for stay-at-home moms, the process of creating your chosen handmade jewelry can be a bit overwhelming. You can start by sourcing your materials from local bead and jewelry supply shops in your area, or even start from Amazon to get wholesale prices.

To earn profit without your crafts appearing too overpriced, a rule of thumb is to price your jewelry at least 10% higher than how much it takes to source the materials and make it. That should also include the packaging materials!

You can learn all the best places to sell your handmade jewelry here!

2. Custom Clothing and Accessories

Ever wondered where that family in Disneyland got their adorable matching shirts for their trip? It might have been Etsy or other cool apps where you can sell clothes.

Or maybe majestic dog portraits embroidered on a fuzzy sweater? That’s right, Etsy! Many sellers are offering custom clothing and accessories, ranging from couple tees to personalized bags, so people can strut their stuff knowing they won’t bump into anyone wearing the same outfit. Sure, it isn’t the end of the world matching with someone, but if you knew me, I always love having some sense of edginess to what I wear!

The awesome part is that the sky’s the limit when figuring out what type of personalized clothing or accessories to offer, which is why they are one of the most profitable items. I researched a few fashion trends, and here are the ones that struck me the most:

Sustainable and eco-friendly fashion is IN! I suggest you upcycle clothing and transform it into something new and valuable.
Say bye to fast fashion and hello to slow fashion, opting to source high-quality materials. Everyone’s after quality over quantity, and I wholeheartedly agree with this!

Only source and use sustainable materials such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and other plant-based alternatives. It’s a great way to market your products as well!

Have a tough time figuring out what design to do for clothes and accessories? Research the current fashion trends, create a mood board, and let your creative juices flow!

3. Digital Products

I praise this world for today’s technology because there’s no shortage of what you can do to create passive income, and that includes creating digital products!

You read that right, you can start selling digital downloads on Etsy, such as eBooks, informative courses, or even gorgeous templates for school or work. The best part is the low overhead costs since all you need is your laptop, the right editing tools, and your artistic juices to start creating!

In fact, I make quite a profit selling Canva Pinterest templates that suit just about any niche! I like to think of it as a win-win situation, where I get to hone my creativity and earn a profit, while my customers have a captivating template that will catch attention!

Creating and selling digital products is easier said than done, though. What you can do to begin is by figuring out what topic you should talk about in your digital product. You can start with a topic you’re passionate about, or if you have a business, determine what type of digital products complement the physical products you already offer.

Once you’ve created your chosen digital product, you may want to offer free content to give them an idea of what to expect, before they commit and purchase the full digital product. You can also increase and drive traffic to your listings by applying search engine optimization strategies or partnering with influencers.

4. Vintage Goods

For the love of God, when I say vintage goods, please don’t mention digital cameras or cassette tapes. To me, anything made in the 1990s to early 2000s cannot be considered vintage and retro!

Kidding aside, the Y2K has become such a huge fashion trend recently, and you can see that this has slightly altered the shopping habits of the younger generation, who are obsessed with all things vintage and retro!

But when I say vintage goods, there’s almost no limit to what you can sell, because I just saw a 150-year-old active San Francisco sourdough starter for sale on Etsy. Needless to say, it’s a hit!

You don’t need to wait for 150 years to make money on Etsy, though. You can start with old treasures you have at home that are lying around, such as figurines, antique telescopes, gorgeous china, and interesting posters from the 1900s, or you can even try flipping furniture.

That said, do make sure that if you plan on sourcing vintage goods to sell, practice your due diligence by verifying the item’s authenticity by knowing how to differentiate what’s real or fake based on labels, marks, and similar indicators.

5. Cricut Crafts

My Cricut machine can make just about anything, and I’m not even exaggerating. It can even make me money!

I know that’s meant to be a joke but I do mean it because there are a ton of Cricut crafts to sell, ranging from custom stickers, cute custom gifts, or even home decor! One of my favorites is custom signs, which homeowners adore as they love displaying witty welcome signs for their guests to laugh at before they enter.

New to using the Cricut? Install Design Space, it’s made for your trusty machine when it comes to creating custom designs! It’s also extremely easy to use, whether you’re a seasoned Cricut user or a total beginner looking to start making easy things to sell on Etsy.

Once you installed the Design Space and had it optimized for your Cricut, you can start experimenting with unique designs by searching for popular patterns. Based on personal experience, you’ve got to play around with the heart and butterfly patterns on Design Space. They are just so cute and a whimsical design you can add to your products.

6. Art and Print

Besides digital products, you can even sell your art on Etsy, with so many types to create like drawings, paintings, and custom digital art. These are some of the best Etsy shop ideas for talented artists out there, as you get to share your amazing crafts while making a living out of your passion.

What I love about selling art is how you have no limits or boundaries with your art, and it’s considered a slow-paced job since it’s best to take your time creating new things. You’ll never run out of ideas and there are thousands, even millions, of people out there looking for customized artwork for their home.

You can target many niche markets and gain a huge customer base from, such as custom family or couple illustrations, a realistic painting of one’s home, or a more popular artwork today, personalized pet portraits! I can imagine commissioning a digital painting of my family and me, it would make the perfect Christmas card, don’t you think?

Selling digital art is a bit “easier” regarding packaging and shipment, as you will only need to send a high-quality file via email or a cloud platform. But what if you plan to ship physical works of art? That’s a different story and it will require more effort and material to keep it safe during its journey!

I recommend investing in padded mailers and corrugated cardboard boxes, and not skimp on the bubble wrap when packing your art. Make sure you encase it with bubble wrap firmly, whether it’s a flat or rolled-up painting. Don’t forget to mark the package as fragile when handing it over to the shipping courier!

7. Home Decor

Pine-scented candles and custom throw pillows are a few of my favorite things (please tell me you’ve sung that in your head! Hint: Sound of Music).

Home decor is one of the top-selling items on Etsy with a constant market you can rely on thanks to homeowners like me who love to decorate their space, especially during the holidays with quaint Christmas crafts. Admit it, you’ve gone a little crazy with the holiday decor at one point, because I sure have!

Keeping up with the ever-changing decor trends can be quite overwhelming with all the different facts and statistics, which is why you’ll want to first stick with timeless pieces or seasonal crafts before branching out. What I heard was that this year, homeowners are focusing more on decor for their home office, as well as products focused on wellness, like essential oil-scented candles.

8. Personalized Gifts

I would honestly cry if someone ever gave me anything personalized since it feels more unique, giving any gift receiver some form of emotional attachment. May it be a custom shirt or engraved mug, anything customized to one’s unique personality is a precious gift for partners, family members, and special friends.

Since people are after unique crafts as gifts to themselves or loved ones, these will be huge Etsy and Amazon handmade products. You’ve even got a lot of ideas to choose from when thinking about what to sell since you can engrave and customize almost anything! My personal favorite has got to be wine bottles, as a champagne lover myself. Coasters and pillows are also a neat idea!

That said, I know that the time crunch of creating multiple custom orders with a deadline can be a bit challenging. What you can do is try standardizing the appealing features of your products, allowing you to save time compared to having to completely customize items.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of the huge demand for personalized gifts during special occasions like Christmas and Valentine’s Day! We’re all looking for special gifts at this time so the people we cherish will know how much we love ‘em.

9. Wedding Items

As mentioned, one of the top-searched keywords on Etsy’s search bar had anything to do with weddings, and it’s not hard to see why! Brides are looking for something one-of-a-kind, wanting handmade invitations, decor, and other products to have their wedding stand out.

The personalized touch to things like neon signs, wedding ring boxes, or even the cake topper helps make the event more intimate, too. On the plus side, creating wedding crafts is a fun job that pays well, and one that will always have a consistent flow of customers who want to order your gorgeous crafts.

If you’re a jack (or jill) of all trades and plan to offer different types of wedding items, from invites to personalized giveaways, you may want to offer a customizable wedding package with different inclusions and tiered pricing. This will not only attract more clients since it saves them time from searching for multiple vendors, but it can also increase your revenue as you get to sell more wedding items in the long run!

Start by creating different budget options based on what previous clients want, with prices depending on the number of guests and types of products to be included.

10. Stationery and Planner Accessories

New year, new me? Well, no matter the date, it’s never too late to start planning and journaling to document your life!

A lot of girlies out there are getting into journaling as their way to relieve stress and anxiety, all the while keeping their creativity levels in check. It’s also such a way to help with self-improvement, so you’ll see stationery and planner accessories on the rise, especially those made for bullet journals.

From cute stickers to personalized bookmarks of varied colors or patterns, there are a ton of products you can sell on Etsy. At the moment, the current trends are focused on sustainable products, so you’ll want to look into selling products made with environment-friendly materials such as bamboo, recycled paper, and even eco-friendly packaging.

While vintage and retro styles continue to slay in the world of stationery and planners, the minimalist design and bullet journal is a growing trend that’s worth tapping into, especially with the growing love for all things neutral.

For more trendy ideas, be sure to check out Etsy’s 2024 trend predictions.

11. Pet Products

There’s nothing I wouldn’t buy for my pet (except chocolate, obviously), and every amazing pet owner thinks the same thing! We all love to give our pets the best, and because of that, pet products have become Etsy top-selling items.

There’s a plethora of pet products you can create and sell, such as custom collars, pet beds, cat towers, feeding bowls, stuffed toys, and even bath products.

If you plan on making custom pet bowls, you’ve already got me as your first customer because this makes feeding times much more fun with my furry friends! Come on, you can’t deny you never went on a mini shopping spree for your pal for life, because my online cart’s always filled with pet treats and cute beds!

Just remember that when creating pet products, it’s important to prioritize safety. The materials you use must be pet-friendly and made of great quality to avoid any accidents or injuries from flimsy structures.

When you plan on selling pet products, I recommend joining active pet owner communities on Facebook and Reddit. Post regularly and you can start gaining a following, which can translate to more sales, especially when you post your listings on Etsy.

12. Children’s Toys and Clothing

I discussed the love of pawrents, but I haven’t forgotten parents of playful children! We all love our kiddos and want to spoil them silly, which is why you’ll find a huge market for children’s toys and clothing.

There’s always a new toy you can create to amuse the kiddos, may it be an alphabet puzzle for babies or a climbing arch for toddlers.

Of course, you can find a lot more awesome children’s products to sell for a sizable profit. Besides using your cheap hobbies to make fun toys, clothing will always be a huge hit, with parents constantly on the lookout for adorable onesies or custom hoodies with beloved characters. You can sometimes catch me swooning over cute shirts for kids with funny and endearing captions like “Best Big Brother Ever!”

Similar to creating pet products, you need to ensure that you follow safety standards and use non-hazardous, child-friendly materials when constructing toys or creating clothes. That way, you lessen the risk of serious injuries or illnesses from poor-quality craftsmanship or allergens from certain materials.

Keep up with the fashion and toy trends for children by joining relevant communities online, as well as checking children’s stores to see what clothes or toys are in style. Lately, parents are after gender-neutral clothing, along with athleisure wear and bright colors!

11 Realistic Ways To Make $20k a Month in 2025

Are you looking for realistic ways to make $20k a month? If yes, you are in the right place.

People look for alternative ways to improve their financial status and secure their future as they don’t get paid that much salary from their traditional jobs.

In fact, 20k per month is an unrealistic number for many, since you are eying on it, you are probably ready to leave your comfort zone and do what most people couldn’t handle.

Well, achieving 20k per month is challenging at first, but it is possible when you work on the right ways and implement the best strategies.

So, if you are wondering how to make $20k a month, this article discusses some possible ways and strategies I’ve tried over the years.

Scroll down the article to read the ideas, tips, and tricks that help you to surpass the target. You can make even more if you stick to these ideas and implement the right strategies.

So, let’s get started without a delay.

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. We may receive a small commission when you make a purchase (No extra cost to you). Please read our Affiliate Disclosure for more information.

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Best Ways To Make $20k a Month

If you badly want to make $20k a month but don’t know where to begin, there are many possible ways that have the potential to pay beyond your monthly goal.

And, your earnings will totally depend on the efforts you put in and the strategies you employ.

Some ideas like blogging and starting a YouTube channel require regular effort while others like investing and selling products require less effort and provide a reliable source of passive income.

So, if you want to make 20k per month to pay off debt or buy something expensive, these below-discussed methods are worth trying.

1. Start a YouTube Channel

If you like creating videos, then starting a YouTube channel is a great way to earn passive income.

It takes some time in the beginning to create your own fan base and grow your channel to generate full-time income.

We all know that our favorite YouTubers make hundreds of thousands of dollars every month from ad revenue alone. If they are making it on YouTube, why shouldn’t you do it?

Follow the steps to create your YouTube Channel…

  • Login into YouTube using your Gmail address
  • Click on your profile picture and then choose “Create a Channel”
  • Type your channel name
  • Add your channel bio
  • Add your profile picture
  • Finish your profile setup
  • Start uploading Videos and Shorts

Video quality is the primary thing on YouTube so you must invest in a good quality camera. Initially, you can shoot with your phone and you can upgrade as you gain the traction.

As of now, to be eligible for YouTube monetization, you must surpass 1000 subscribers and 4k watch hours or 10 million short video views within a one-year time frame.

Once you surpass the requirements, there are many ways to monetize your channel. Here are a few ways…

  • Display Ads
  • Channel Memberships
  • Selling Products/Courses
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Brand sponsorships/Collaborations
  • Super Thanks and Super Chat

According to a report by Influencer Marketing Hub, YouTube pays around $18 per 1,000 ad views on average, which roughly translates to $4 to $5 per 1,000 views.

youtube stats

Video Ideas Where You Don’t Need To Show Your Face. | Source: YouTube

You can see the first video in the above screenshot got 42 million views in just 1 year. If you do the math based on the above stats, this video alone made $210,000 in revenue to its creator in just one year. Imagine its potential.

YouTube in 2024 is a very high-paying avenue for all of us. If you can create high-quality useful content, then making 20k per month on YouTube is just a cakewalk.

2. Start a Money Making Blog

Blogging is another passive income venture just like YouTube to make unlimited money with no upper limits.

In fact, it is my favorite way to make money because this has been my full-time income source for more than six years (Full income report here). If you can find a low-competitive profitable niche, you can also start making real money from your blog.

Mediavine Ad income

Daily Ad Revenue of My Blog

Blogging allows you to follow your passion and make money from it. For instance, if you love traveling, you can start a travel blog. If you love Cooking and Home Decor, then you can start based on that too.

Though blogging is easy to start and has huge income potential, you need huge traffic to your blog to generate 20k a month’s income.

Here is how to start a blog in just a few minutes

  1. Decide your blog niche
  2. Decide and search for an available domain name
  3. Register your domain name (Free with the below Bluehost link)
  4. Purchase Hosting Services with Bluehost (Just $2.95 per month & FREE domain address)
  5. Install a theme
  6. Customize your blog
  7. Start publishing content

Choose your blog name that sounds relevant to your blog niche. So, it gives an idea to people what your blog is all about.

Pinterest is a great source of traffic if your blog is new. So, make sure you promote your content on Pinterest to get some traffic in the initial days. Read my article on how to make money on Pinterest with a blog.

To make $20k per month from your blog, you must monetize your blog strategically. Here are some ways to monetize your blog…

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Display Ads
  • Selling Digital Products
  • Sponsorships
  • Sell Courses

Making $20k per month from blogging is a challenging thing in the beginning days but it is possible as time goes on. You must employ the right strategies to reach there.

One day affiliate income

One Day Affiliate Income From My Blog

You can see in the above screenshot that I made around $875 in one day through affiliate marketing and overall $1000 dollars a day combining ad revenue and all. So, create your blog with Bluehost today and start earning.

3. Start a Print on Demand Business

how to make $20k per month with print on demand business

Have you ever thought of starting a business without any investment? If yes, then you would love the concept of the Print-on-Demand business.

Here you don’t need to worry about managing inventory or handling the shipping process.

In this business, you mainly work with a manufacturer to produce and supply custom products and merchandise based on your order.

All you have to do is create custom designs and market them online to get the sales. It’s a completely low-cost and low-risk business to make money since the products are manufactured based on customer orders only.

If you are a graphic designer expert or beginner, you can use tools like Canva to create awesome designs and Promote them on platforms like Pinterest, Etsy, and more.

To ease your process, you can simply sign up at Printify to kickstart your PoD business. Here you can design and sell your customized products all in one place.

Steps to create your Printify account…

  • Visit Printify and complete the signup process
  • Select the products you are targetting like t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, etc.
  • Create and upload your custom designs
  • Connect your Printify account to online marketplaces like Etsy or eBay
  • Market your products on Pinterest and other social media websites.

When you receive orders, your chosen manufacturer produces the products and ships them to the address. The shipping costs vary based on the print provider you select.

Though it is an automated business, there is one thing you should always be taking care of. The quality of the product your manufacturer is producing. So, it’s better to order a sample first before you select your print provider or manufacturer.

Read – 11 Best Online Jobs That Pay 50k a Year

4. Start a Service-Based Business

If you are wondering how to make $20k per month, consider offering services for cash instead of wasting your skills.

There are hundreds of services you can offer without investing anything in learning and building. Once you understand this business, you can even scale this business to $20k or even $50k per month by hiring people to serve more clients.

Focusing on one service cannot make 20k a month but if you can expand your business in various services with the help of employees, you can easily reach that goal.

Here are some common services you can offer for money such as…

  • Babysitting
  • Petsitting
  • Dog Walking
  • Moving
  • Plumbing
  • Laundry services
  • Tutoring
  • Painting
  • Hairdressing
  • Catering and more.

You can build this as a service agency by hiring more people and doing more tasks every day.

It might not make $20k per month from the beginning but if you offer the best services and maintain good relations with your client base, you can scale this business to $20k or more per month easily.

Read – 27 Best Online Proofreading Jobs For Beginners


5. Sell/Flip Items

how to make $20k per month flipping houses and other stuff

Another great money-making venture to make $20k per month is flipping items for profit. This business is an excellent way to make money because you can buy and sell a wide range of products and make decent profits.

The best places to find stuff at very cheap prices are flea markets, thrift stores, and garage sales. You can also find and buy items for very discounted prices on Facebook Marketplace, or at physical stores like Walmart.

Once you finish buying stuff, you can start listing them on online marketplaces like Mercari, eBay, and Poshmark to sell them for profit. Selling online is comparatively easy as you don’t need to set up any physical store.

However, you might need to pay some platform fees and shipping charges. And, if you want to avoid those charges as well, you can use online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist to find interested buyers in your local area to sell directly to the buyer.

Here are some items to flip every day…

You can modify these things a little bit and sell them again for higher profit at flea markets, thrift stores, or a garage sale. There are plenty of ways to sell once you have good products in your hand.

When you start this business with a $20k per month target, make sure you buy and flip products with a significant flipping margin to achieve your targets.

6. Start an E-commerce/Dropshipping Business

You can make unrealistic money by starting an e-commerce or dropshipping business as this is one of the high-potential business ideas online.

The main advantage of starting an online store is that you can reach a wide range of people worldwide while a physical store will be restricted to certain areas.

Plus, it costs much low to establish an online store than building or rending a physical store these days.

The business model is simple. You buy trending and saleable items from global vendors like Alibaba, or eBay and then sell them for a profit on Amazon or at your own eCommerce store.

a image that explains how dropshipping business works

Dropshipping Explained With Images. Image Sources: and

As you can see in the above screenshot you can buy a bulk pack of the latest iPhone 15 Pro clear TPU case for just $0.38 a piece from Alibaba and then flip it on Amazon for as high as $24.95. Even if it costs $5 for each piece for importing, packaging, shipping, and all, you still get a $20 profit per piece.

Even if you can sell 35 cases a day through your dropshipping store, you can generate $700 a day in profit and over $20K a month.

You can create a storefront on Shopify or Etsy and get started. Besides you can also design your own store with WooCommerce on WordPress. Once you set up the storefront, you can automate the dropshipping process with platforms like Oberlo.

First, you need to sync your Shopify store with Oberlo. You can then run PPC ads (Google) or social media ads (Insta, TikTok, and X) to get some traffic and sales.

Once someone places an order, Oberlo will automatically place that same order on AliExpress. The vendor of AliExpress then ships the items directly to the buyer, and you get your sales commission.

But you need to remember that dropshipping needs initial investment, as Shopify alone will take $29/month after the 3-day trial period.

Read – How to Double $10k Quickly – [11 Realistic Ways]

7. Sell Digital Products

how to make $20k per month selling art pieces

Selling digital products online is another excellent idea to make $20k per month. This business requires no investment literally and you can start from anywhere in the world.

There is no need to invest money to buy inventory or set up a store. This makes the business even more profitable and lucrative.

And, the main benefit of doing this business is that you create these digital products only once and you can sell them forever. You just need to make sure they are up to date.

Here are some digital products you can sell online…

  • Courses
  • eBooks
  • Printables
  • Subscriptions
  • Paid Webinars
  • Art & Music
  • Pictures, and Licenses

Once you decide what to sell, then you need to set up a store on Shopify, Etsy, or Sellfy.

You can even bring more sales by offering affiliate commissions so many online influencers show interest in promoting your products. You can also promote your products on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube using short videos.

Read – How To Make 10K A Month? – 16 Proven Ways!

8. Launch a Consulting Business

If you are an expert in any particular field, consider starting an online consulting firm/business. Unlike services-based businesses, here you only offer your expertise and suggestions instead of offering full services.

It has more income potential and a wide range of opportunities all over the world. So, choose your consulting specialty based on your skill set, expertise, and demand.

To dominate in this business, you must be up to date with the trends in your specialty and learn new things to gain the required qualifications from time to time.

You can literally start a consulting business in any field, Here are some popular fields you can start…

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Sales
  • Social Media
  • Content Creation
  • SEO Consulting
  • Paid Advertising
  • Strategy Consulting
  • Legal
  • Human Resource

You must have a proper business plan and strategies before you establish your business in this field. First of all, a nice logo and website are mandatory to represent your company and services.

So, make sure these match what consulting services you offer. Then you’ll need to register your business to start your operations. Don’t ignore your state regulations to find out what requirements you need to meet.

Once you are done with all these setup processes, the key thing you must focus on is determining your rates. Offer different stages of pricing and services. And also keep one-time and long-term clients in mind while deciding your rates.

After that, start marketing your consulting website to get more reach and clients. Optimizing your website for search engines and running paid search or social media ads to get more visitors thus clients are the best strategies you can employ in the beginning days.

When I am not actively writing for my blog, I occasionally provide freelance writing services to selective clients. These days, I charge $0.30 per word ($300/1,000 words) for finance topics.

Writing payment

A screenshot of my earnings from a Freelance Writing Gig.

I’ve recently written a finance insight for a senior journalist. You can see on the above screenshot that I received $630 for writing a 2,100-word article. And, I personally know many expert writers who charge up to 5X my rate.

Read – 31 Fun Jobs That Pay Really Well

9. Become an Online Coach

online coaching

If you are an established expert in any particular field, you can become an online coach and start offering your services to upcoming people.

This is your cup of tea, then you can do this business along with online consulting, podcasting, YouTube channel, and blogging to make $20k per month easily.

As an online coach, you can organize paid webinars and seminars to teach a group of people all at once. Or you can document your teachings as a course to sell it online to targeted people.

You can also offer one-on-one or individual coaching classes so more people will be interested in joining your courses.

By creating a course, you can sell it on Udemy and other platforms to generate income simultaneously without actively working every day.

This is an excellent business idea that allows you to monetize in multiple ways to make money. You can easily surpass making a $20k a month goal if you gain good social media followers and reach a vast audience.

10. Start a Retail Arbitrage

Most people don’t know what retail arbitrage means as it is a less popular yet high-paying business idea these days.

Retail arbitrage simply means buying home goods and products from clearance sales at popular stores like Walmart, Home Depot, and Target and reselling them for profits.

Sometimes, you can even find free products where you can make 100% profit selling them.

Once you finish purchasing your arbitrage, you can start selling these products on Amazon, eBay, or Craigslist platforms.

The key to success in this business is investing in products that get sold easily and have good profit margins.

Though, it is a tough task to buy your inventory, you must be consistent in buying and selling to be profitable in this business.

If you buy, sell products in bulk, and repeat the process, you can easily make $20k per month in profits.

To make your work easier, you can contact the store’s personnel to pack the items so you don’t need to do it again. After that, you can use order fulfillment services like Amazon FBA for inventory storage and shipping processes.

11. Find a New Job

It’s very rare that our jobs pay $20k a year unless we are very professional in a high-demand field. So, if yours is not paying what you wanted in a month, then consider looking for another job that pays more.

Simultaneously, you can find an alternative side job to supplement your main income.

There are plenty of jobs that pay $80 an hour or $100k a year that are worth exploring. Finding a new job is a tough task but if you are an experienced professional, it would be easy to get a promotion or a new job.

It’s better to start working a high-potential side hustle in your leisure than exploring a new career since you need to start from scratch in a new field. But you can always request a pay rise or shift between companies to improve your salary along with working on a side hustle to move closer to your $20k per month income goal.

Here are some high-paying online side hustles you can try…

  • Freelance Writing (No special degrees or skills required. You can make $50 – $100 per article as a beginner and $500 – $1000+ as a senior writer.)
  • Proofreading & Editing (Earn up to $50 an hour or up to $1000+ per project based on your experience. Free Course Here)
  • Web Designing (Design awesome websites with WordPress or Shopify and get paid accordingly. Around $500 – $2000+ per project)
  • Voice Over Artist (Lend your voice with online clients on Fiverr, Upwork, or Up to $10000 per project. Free Course Link is Here)
  • Freelancing (Good at any particular skill? You can offer your services as a VA or Freelancer on Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour platforms. Rates are fixed by you.)

Once, you build your side hustle by employing the right strategies, and building your client base, you can easily make $20k per month from your side hustle alone.

Final Thoughts On How To Make $20k Per Month

That’s it. I hope this list of ideas on how to make $20k per month will help you in making money to reach your monthly income goals.

All the above ideas have proven to work for me and most of the people I know in person. So, as long as you put in your efforts consistently and remain patient, they will work for you too.

As you keep going, employ the right marketing tactics, implement the right strategies, and build a loyal client base to achieve success.

Also, do your research before you choose an idea to proceed further to avoid making mistakes. Once you get the confidence in your avenue, you can go further.

You can refer to our high-paying online jobs or quick money-making ways to explore more and quick ideas.

65+ Fun & Low-Stress Jobs After Retirement for 50 Years & Above [2025 Version!]

Retirement is a wonderful phase of life, offering the perfect opportunity to relax, explore new passions, and stay active. Many retirees seek to remain fulfilled and financially secure by engaging in meaningful post-retirement jobs.

With the increasing trend of retirees looking for both remote and on-site opportunities, there’s a vast array of retirement employment opportunities that cater to diverse interests and lifestyles.

Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or simply stay engaged, there are plenty of good jobs for retirees that are both enjoyable and rewarding.


High Paying Low-stress Jobs After Retirement

Low Stress Jobs After Retirement featuring two old people checking well paying jobs

In this article, I have reviewed the 60+ best stress-free jobs for 50 and older retirees. These opportunities range from high-paying side hustles to low-paying gigs. Let’s get started!

 Please note that while many of the jobs listed below are designed to be low-stress and enjoyable, some may require specific skills, certifications, or a certain level of commitment. It’s important to choose roles that align with your personal interests and lifestyle preferences.

1. Bookkeeper

 Imagine managing the finances of a local non-profit organization from the comfort of your home. As a retiree, you can ensure accurate financial records are maintained without the stress of a corporate setting. 

Bookkeeping is an excellent post-retirement job for individuals who enjoy working with numbers and maintaining organization. It offers a structured yet flexible work environment, allowing you to set your own hours and manage your time effectively.

Proficiency in accounting software and a strong attention to detail are essential. A high school diploma is generally sufficient, but certifications like Certified Bookkeeper can enhance job prospects. Prior experience in accounting or finance is preferred.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $80 per hour, potentially $80,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Enhance your bookkeeping skills and become a successful bookkeeper with these FREE Bookkeeping Intro ClassesCheck out bookkeeping jobs on the Accounting Department website. Top #5 Picks for 2025🔥📈

2. Proofreader

 Imagine reviewing manuscripts, academic papers, or business documents to ensure they are error-free and polished. 

Proofreading is a great job for retirees with a keen eye for detail and a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation. It offers the flexibility to work from home and manage your own schedule.

Excellent language skills, attention to detail, and proficiency in editing software are required. Previous experience in writing or editing is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $40+ per hour, potentially $50,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Become a Successful Proofreader with this wildly popular FREE 76-min Proofreading Workshop (Don’t Miss out on The Black Friday Deal!) Join proofreading platforms like ProofreadersCafe or Fiverr and start building your client base.

3. Virtual Assistant

 Imagine scheduling appointments, managing emails, and handling customer inquiries for a small business, all from your home office. 

Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs from home. This role is perfect for retirees who are organized and enjoy helping others.

Basic computer skills, proficiency in office software, and strong organizational abilities are required. Prior administrative experience is beneficial. Here is a list of 275+ in demand services you can offer as a virtual assistant

➡ Earning Potential: $15 – $30 per hour, potentially $30,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Whether you want to offer services or start your own VA business, you’ll still need the right guidance. I heard – that many students surprisingly get hired even before the completion of this VA course, and I believe that’s what makes it so special and popular.

This course walks you through the skills you already have and the skills you can learn to craft an irresistible offer that clients will want to pay a premium rate for! Leaen where to find your first clients as soon as you’re ready to start offering your administrative skills.

➡ Hot Tip: Become an expert at inbox management, help your clients achieve inbox zero and get paid for your skills!

4. AI Consultant

 Imagine working with businesses to develop AI-driven strategies, implementing machine learning models to predict customer behavior, or optimizing supply chain processes through automation. As an AI consultant, you can help organizations harness the power of AI to drive innovation and efficiency. 

AI consulting is a cutting-edge and highly rewarding job for retirees with a background in technology, data science, or business. It involves advising organizations on how to implement and optimize artificial intelligence solutions to enhance their operations and achieve strategic goals.

This job requires a strong understanding of artificial intelligence technologies, machine learning algorithms, and data analysis.

Excellent problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to communicate complex concepts to non-technical stakeholders are essential. A degree in computer science, data science, or a related field, along with relevant certifications, can significantly enhance job prospects.

➡ Earning Potential: $50 – $300 per hour, potentially $80,000 – $250,000+ annually depending on experience and client base.

➡ Action Step: Update your knowledge in AI and machine learning through online courses or certifications, build a portfolio showcasing successful AI projects, and market your consulting services through professional networks and online platforms like LinkedIn.

5. Influencer on Instagram or TikTok

 Imagine creating engaging content such as photos, videos, and stories that resonate with your audience, collaborating with brands, and monetizing your influence through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales. 

Becoming a social media influencer on platforms like Instagram or TikTok is a dynamic and creative job for retirees who enjoy sharing their lives, passions, and expertise with a broad audience. 

Creating an online presence requires strong communication skills, creativity, and a good understanding of social media trends and algorithms. Consistency in posting content, engaging with followers, and staying updated with platform changes are essential.

A niche or specific area of interest (e.g., finance, motivation, life tips, tech, travel, cooking, fashion, wellness) can help in building a dedicated audience.

➡ Earning Potential: Varies widely based on follower count and engagement rates, potentially $10,000 – $100,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Choose a niche you’re passionate about, create high-quality and consistent content, engage with your audience, and collaborate with brands to start monetizing your influence.

6. Voice Coach / Voice Over Artist

For retirees with expertise in vocal techniques and a passion for using their voice in various capacities, these roles offer flexibility to work from home or in person, and provide opportunities to help others improve their vocal skills or participate in creative voice projects.

a) Voice Coach

 Imagine working with clients to enhance their public speaking, singing, or overall vocal performance for personal or professional goals. 

Voice coaching is a specialized job for retirees who enjoy helping others improve their speaking or singing abilities. It requires strong vocal skills, teaching abilities, and knowledge of voice training techniques. Certification in voice coaching can enhance credibility.

➡ Earning Potential: $30 – $80 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain certification in voice coaching and start offering your services through local studios or online platforms. For Instance, the creator of this FREE mini-course, has narrated and produced around 100 audiobooks and is an Audible Approved Producer.

b) Voice Over Artist

 Imagine lending your voice to animated characters, narrating audiobooks, or voicing commercials, all from the comfort of your home. 

Alternatively, you can pursue voice over acting, where you lend your voice to commercials, audiobooks, animations, or corporate training videos. This role typically offers higher earning potential per project and allows you to participate in a variety of creative projects.

➡ Earning Potential: $50 – $300 per project, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: I highly recommend you sign up for this FREE mini voice-over training by Julie Eickhoff, a six-figure Audible Approved Producer, who has narrated and produced around 100 audiobooks. Next, set up a home recording studio and join voice over platforms like Voices or Voice123 to find opportunities.

7. Blogger

 Imagine writing about your travel experiences, cooking recipes, or sharing advice on retirement living, and building a dedicated readership. 

Blogging is a versatile job for retirees who enjoy writing and sharing their thoughts on various topics. It offers the flexibility to work from anywhere and the potential to generate passive income.

Requires strong writing skills, creativity, and knowledge of SEO and digital marketing. Consistency in posting content is essential for growing your audience.

➡ Earning Potential: $10 – $10,000 per month, potentially $20,000+ annually through ads, sponsorships, coaching, and affiliate marketing. n the upper scale, top-notch bloggers pocket about $15,000-$100,000 per month

➡ Action Step: So, what’s holding you back? Choose a niche you’re passionate about, set up a blog using platforms like WordPress, and start creating valuable content. Find out how to start a profitable blog here.

8. Gardening Consultant

 Imagine advising homeowners on plant selection, garden design, and maintenance practices to create thriving gardens. 

For those with a green thumb, gardening consulting can be a fulfilling and low-stress retirement job. It allows you to share your gardening knowledge and help others create beautiful outdoor spaces.

Knowledge of horticulture, landscaping skills, and good communication are required. A background in gardening or landscaping is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $50 per hour, potentially $50,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Offer your services locally or create an online presence to reach a broader audience.

9. Tutor/Online Instructor

 Imagine helping high school students improve their math skills, assisting college students with writing assignments, or creating and delivering comprehensive courses on subjects like history, technology, art, or business. Whether you’re working one-on-one or reaching a global audience, you can make a significant impact on learners’ academic and personal growth. 

Tutoring and teaching online courses is one of the best jobs for seniors over 60 who enjoy educating and helping others learn. These roles offer the flexibility to set your own schedule and work from home or in-person, catering to a wide range of student needs.

Strong knowledge in a specific subject area and excellent communication skills are essential. While a teaching degree or certification can enhance your credentials, it is not always required. Familiarity with online teaching tools and platforms is beneficial for online roles.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $100 per hour, potentially earning between $30,000 and $50,000+ annually, depending on the number of clients or courses you manage.

➡ Action Steps:

  • Tutor: Join tutoring platforms like or advertise your services locally through schools and community centers.
  • Online Tutor: Register with online tutoring platforms such as Chegg Tutors to reach students worldwide and offer your expertise in various subjects.
  • Online Instructor: Develop comprehensive course materials and sign up on platforms like CourseraUdemy, or Teachable to create and deliver courses to a global audience.

10. Real Estate Agent

 Imagine helping families find their dream homes or assisting investors in purchasing rental properties. 

Becoming a real estate agent is a great option for retirees who enjoy interacting with people and have an interest in property. It offers flexible hours and the potential for substantial earnings.

This gig is a full-time job; you need to be a legal US resident and pass a real estate exam to acquire a license. Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills are important. 

➡ Earning Potential: $30,000 – $100,000+ annually, depending on sales.

➡ Action Step: Enroll in a real estate licensing course and join a reputable brokerage to start your career. Or simply learn everything you need to know to get paid for helping realtors manage their businesses.

Also Read: Second Careers for Retired Fireman

11. Pet-Related Jobs

For retirees who love animals, there are several rewarding pet-related jobs that offer flexibility and the joy of working with furry friends. Here are some alternatives you might consider:

a) Pet Trainer

 Imagine training dogs to follow commands, helping cats adjust to new environments, or assisting pet owners with behavior modification. 

Pet training is a rewarding job for retirees who enjoy teaching animals new behaviors. It offers the flexibility to work independently or with pet training centers.

Requires knowledge of animal behavior, patience, and strong communication skills with pet owners. Certification in pet training can enhance job prospects.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $60 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain certification in pet training and start offering your services through local pet stores or by setting up your own training sessions.

b) Pet Groomer

 Imagine providing grooming services like bathing, trimming, and styling pets, ensuring they look and feel their best. 

Pet grooming is a fun and rewarding job for retirees who love animals and enjoy hands-on work. It offers the opportunity to work independently or with a local pet salon.

Requires knowledge of grooming techniques, patience, and good communication skills with pet owners. Certification from a grooming school can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Complete a pet grooming course and start offering your services through local pet shops or by setting up your own grooming station.

c) Pet Photographer

 Imagine photographing pets in their favorite spots, creating memorable portraits for pet owners, and capturing the unique bond between pets and their families. 

Pet photography combines a love for animals with creative photography skills. It’s a fun job for retirees who enjoy capturing the personalities of pets.

Requires photography skills, a good camera, and patience with animals. Building a portfolio is essential for attracting clients.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $100 per session, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Create a portfolio showcasing your pet photography and market your services through local pet stores, online platforms, and social media.

d) Pet Sitter

 Imagine taking care of pets while their owners are away, ensuring they are happy and well-cared for in their own home. 

Pet sitting is a delightful job for animal lovers who enjoy spending time with pets. It offers flexibility and the joy of caring for furry friends.

Experience with animals and a responsible nature are essential. Certifications in pet care can enhance your credibility.

➡ Earning Potential: Payment for dog walking is between $17-$40 per walk, and a pet sitter pockets about $20 for 25 minutes for a pet sitting session. If the pet is to be entrusted to you overnight, the pay comes can be as much as $200.

➡ Action Step: Register with pet sitting websites like Petsitter or Wag Walking or advertise your services in your local community.

e) Pet Nutritionist

 Imagine working with pet owners to develop tailored meal plans that address their pets’ specific health needs and dietary preferences. 

Pet nutritionists specialize in creating balanced diets for pets, ensuring they receive the proper nutrients for their health and well-being. This job is perfect for retirees with a background in animal care or nutrition.

Requires knowledge of pet nutrition, strong communication skills, and the ability to create customized diet plans. Certification in animal nutrition can enhance job prospects.

➡ Earning Potential: $30 – $70 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain certification in pet nutrition and market your services through veterinary clinics, pet stores, and online platforms.

12. Tour Guide

 Imagine leading walking tours through historic districts or guiding visitors through art museums and cultural landmarks. 

Tour guiding is a fun and engaging job for retirees who love sharing their knowledge about local attractions and history. It offers the opportunity to meet new people and stay active.

Good communication skills, a friendly demeanor, and a passion for the area’s history and culture are essential. Certification may be required for certain types of tours.

➡ Earning Potential: $15 – $30 per hour, potentially $25,000 annually. For example, tour guide jobs on Job Monkey will earn you between $10 and $25 per hour

➡ Action Step: Apply to local tour companies or create your own tour offerings based on your expertise.

13. Freelance Writer / Technical Writer

 Imagine writing articles for magazines, creating blog content, developing copy for businesses, or crafting user manuals for software applications, creating guides for machinery, or developing instructional materials for educational programs. 

Freelance writing is ideal for retirees who have a way with words and enjoy creating content. It offers the flexibility to work from anywhere and choose projects that interest you.

Technical writing is an advanced and specialized form of freelance writing, involves creating manuals, guides, and documentation for products and services, making it suitable for those with strong writing skills and technical knowledge.

Strong writing skills, creativity, and the ability to meet deadlines are essential for both roles. A background in journalism, marketing, or a related field can be beneficial for freelance writing, while experience in technical fields is advantageous for technical writing.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $500 per article for freelance writing, potentially $40,000+ annually. $30 – $1000 per hour for technical writing, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Build a portfolio of your writing samples and sign up on freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. For technical writing, build a portfolio of technical writing samples and apply to freelance technical writing positions or contract with companies needing documentation.

Learn to Turn Your Natural Writing Skills Into Independent Income and Get Paid Instantly here.

14. Graphic Designer

 Imagine designing logos for small businesses, creating promotional materials for events, or developing graphics for websites. 

Graphic design is a creative and enjoyable job for retirees with an eye for aesthetics. It allows you to work on a variety of projects, from logos to marketing materials, often on a freelance basis.

Proficiency in design software like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop is required. A portfolio showcasing your work is essential for attracting clients.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Create a portfolio of your best work and market your services on freelance websites or through local businesses.

15. Translator

 Imagine translating documents for businesses, local government, or literary works, bridging language gaps for various clients. 

Translation work is perfect for bilingual retirees who enjoy working with languages. It offers the flexibility to work from home and engage with diverse content.

Fluency in at least two languages is essential. Certification in translation can enhance job prospects, though it is not always required.

➡ Earning Potential: $0.05 to $.07 per word or $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $40,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Register with translation platforms like Rev, DT, ProZ or TranslatorsCafe and start building your client base. For more on this, read my and Daily Transcriptions reviews.

16. Social Media Manager

 Imagine creating and scheduling posts, interacting with followers, and developing social media strategies for small businesses or non-profits. 

Managing social media accounts is a dynamic job for retirees who are tech-savvy and enjoy engaging with online communities. It allows for creative expression and flexible scheduling.

Knowledge of various social media platforms, content creation skills, and the ability to analyze engagement metrics are required. Experience in marketing can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $60 per hour, potentially $50,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Gain experience by managing social media for local organizations and showcase your results to attract clients. Learn everything you need to start providing social media services to business owners – right away!

17. Event Planner

 Imagine planning and coordinating events, ensuring every detail is perfect and clients’ visions are brought to life. 

Event planning is a fulfilling job for retirees who love organizing and coordinating gatherings. It offers the opportunity to work on diverse events, from weddings to corporate meetings.

Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and excellent communication are essential. Experience in hospitality or event management is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $100 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Start by planning small events for friends and family to build your portfolio and gain testimonials.

18. Handyman

 Imagine helping neighbors with home repairs, installations, and maintenance tasks, ensuring their homes are safe and functional. 

For retirees who enjoy fixing things and working with their hands, becoming a handyman is a practical and rewarding job. It offers flexibility and the satisfaction of helping others maintain their homes.

Basic repair skills, knowledge of tools, and problem-solving abilities are required. Certifications in specific trades can enhance job prospects.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $60 per hour, potentially $40,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Advertise your services locally through community boards, online platforms, or word of mouth. Post your profile on ‘Meet A Handyman’ or head to Tradesmen and Simplyhired for high-paying plumber jobs.

19. Podcast Host & Producer

 Imagine creating a podcast about travel, history, personal development, or any topic that interests you, managing both the content and the technical aspects, and building a community of listeners. 

Hosting and producing a podcast is a creative and engaging job for retirees who enjoy sharing stories, interviewing guests, or discussing topics they’re passionate about. Moreover, it offers the flexibility to work from anywhere.

Requires good speaking skills, knowledge of podcasting equipment and software, audio editing skills, creativity, and strong organizational abilities. The ability to engage an audience and consistency in content creation are essential. Experience in media production is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: Varies widely based on sponsorships and audience size, potentially $20,000 – $100,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Plan your podcast concept, learn audio editing skills, invest in quality recording equipment, and start producing and publishing episodes on platforms like Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Learn how to become a podcast producer and land your own clients in 90 days or less!

20. Personal Shopper

 Imagine assisting clients in selecting clothing, accessories, or groceries, ensuring they find exactly what they need. 

Personal shopping is a fun job for retirees who enjoy fashion and helping others find the perfect items. It offers flexibility and the chance to work one-on-one with clients.

Good sense of style, knowledge of current trends, and excellent customer service skills are essential. Experience in retail can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $15 – $40 per hour, potentially $30,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Promote your services through social media, local advertisements, or by partnering with boutiques and stores.

21. Life Coach

 Imagine guiding clients through career transitions, personal challenges, or goal-setting processes, helping them achieve their desired outcomes. 

Life coaching is a meaningful job for retirees who enjoy mentoring and helping others achieve their goals. It offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on clients’ lives.

Excellent communication skills, empathy, and the ability to motivate others are essential. Certification from a recognized coaching program can enhance credibility.

Imagine guiding clients through career transitions, personal challenges, or goal-setting processes, helping them achieve their desired outcomes.

➡ Earning Potential: $50 – $200 per hour, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain certification from a reputable coaching institute and start building your client base through networking and online marketing. Join The Mentor Network today for available jobs. 

22. Freelance Photographer

 Imagine photographing family events, local businesses, or nature scenes, providing high-quality images that clients cherish. 

Freelance photography is perfect for retirees with a passion for capturing moments. It offers creative freedom and the ability to work on projects that interest you.

Requires a good camera, photography skills, and creativity. Building a portfolio is essential for attracting clients.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $100 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually. 

➡ Action Step: Create a portfolio of your best work and market your services through a personal website or social media platforms. Get paid by taking photos for apps like Easy Shift and Field Agent.

23. Yoga Instructor

 Imagine leading yoga classes in community centers, gyms, or even offering private sessions to individuals. 

Becoming a yoga instructor is ideal for retirees who enjoy yoga and want to promote wellness. It offers flexible scheduling and the opportunity to help others achieve balance and health.

Certification from a recognized yoga training program is required. Good communication skills and a calm demeanor are essential.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $40,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Complete a yoga instructor certification and start teaching classes at local studios or online.

24. Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is a relaxing and low-stress job for retirees who enjoy helping others unwind and improve their well-being. It allows you to create a serene environment for clients, promoting relaxation and health.

Flexible hours make it easy to balance work with personal time. You can work from home, a spa, health facility, sports center, or directly at clients’ homes, offering convenience and variety.

Massage therapists require a high school diploma and certification to practice. Strong interpersonal skills and a genuine desire to help others are essential for success.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $30 per hour-long session.

➡ Action Step: Search for accredited online massage courses and enroll today to begin your career as a massage therapist.

25. Customer Service Representative

 Imagine assisting customers with inquiries, resolving issues, and providing support for various products or services. 

Customer service roles are suitable for retirees who enjoy helping others and have strong communication skills. Many positions offer the flexibility to work from home.

Good communication skills, patience, and problem-solving abilities are essential. Experience in customer service can be advantageous.

➡ Earning Potential: $15 – $25 per hour, potentially $30,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Apply to remote customer service positions through companies like Amazon, Apple, or dedicated customer service platforms.

26. Data Entry Specialist

 Imagine inputting information into databases, managing spreadsheets, or updating records for businesses and organizations. 

Data entry is a straightforward job for retirees who are detail-oriented and proficient with computers. It offers the flexibility to work from home and set your own hours.

Basic computer skills, typing speed, and attention to detail are required. Experience with data entry software is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $15 – $25 per hour, potentially $30,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Register on data entry platforms like Clickworker or Amazon Mechanical Turk and start applying for jobs.

27. Health Coach

 Imagine guiding clients through personalized health plans, providing motivation, and supporting them in making healthier lifestyle choices. 

Health coaching is a rewarding job for retirees passionate about wellness and helping others achieve their health goals. It offers flexibility and the chance to make a positive impact.

Certification in health coaching, strong communication skills, and knowledge of wellness practices are essential. Experience in healthcare or fitness can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $50 – $100 per hour, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain certification from a recognized health coaching program and start offering your services online or locally.

28. Librarian

 Imagine managing library resources, assisting patrons in finding books, and organizing community events like book clubs and author talks. 

Working as a librarian is a peaceful and intellectually stimulating job for retirees who love books and organization. It offers a calm work environment and the chance to engage with the community.

Requires a degree in library science, strong organizational skills, and proficiency with library systems. Experience in customer service can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $30,000 – $60,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Apply to local libraries, head to Indeed jobs board and apply for a librarian job, or consider part-time positions that allow you to share your love for reading and learning. 

29. Park Ranger / Park Aide

For lovers of nature, enrolling as a park ranger is a wonderful low-stress job after retirement. Park rangers interact with the public by taking them on tours, managing park activities, and ensuring the preservation of natural resources.

Alternatively, as a park aide, you can welcome guests to campsites, historical sites, camps, and beaches, perform facility cleaning, collect camp fees, and assist with various guest services.

To apply for a park ranger job, you must be a US citizen and hold a valid US driver’s license. If you aspire to become a park manager, a bachelor’s degree in environmental science, park management, or a related field is advantageous. Park aides typically require a valid US driver’s license and may not need higher education qualifications.

➡ Earning Potential: Park Rangers: $30,000 – $70,000 annually; Park Aides: $12 – $17 per hour.

Park ranger positions are primarily offered by government agencies, with salaries ranging from $30,000 to $70,000 per year. The private sector also offers opportunities, including roles with large conservancies and parks abroad. Park aides generally earn between $12 and $17 per hour, providing a flexible and rewarding way to engage with nature and the community.

➡ Action Step: Click on USA Jobs to find open National Park Service positions or visit the Government Jobs site for park aide vacancies.

30. Museum Guide

 Imagine leading tours, explaining the significance of artifacts, and interacting with diverse groups of visitors. 

Museum guiding is an engaging job for retirees who appreciate history, art, or science. It offers the opportunity to educate visitors and share your passion for exhibits.

Strong knowledge of the museum’s collections, excellent communication skills, and a friendly demeanor are essential. Experience in education or public speaking is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $15 – $30 per hour, potentially $25,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Volunteer at local museums to gain experience and apply for paid guiding positions as they become available.

31. Online Course Creator

 Imagine developing a course on financial planning, photography, or cooking, and helping students worldwide gain new skills. 

Creating and selling online courses is a fantastic job for retirees who have expertise in a particular field. It offers the flexibility to work at your own pace and reach a global audience.

Requires knowledge in your subject area, good presentation skills, and familiarity with online course platforms. Experience in teaching or training is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $100 – $500 per course, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Choose a subject you’re passionate about, create course materials, and publish your course on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.

32. Etsy Seller

 Imagine creating and selling handmade jewelry, home decor, or vintage collectibles to a global audience through your Etsy shop. 

Selling handmade or vintage items on Etsy is a creative and profitable job for retirees who enjoy crafting or have unique items to offer. It allows you to turn your hobbies into income.

Requires crafting skills, creativity, and knowledge of e-commerce platforms. High-quality product photos and descriptions are essential for attracting buyers.

➡ Earning Potential: Varies widely based on product popularity, potentially $10,000 – $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Set up an Etsy store, list your products with appealing photos and descriptions, and promote your shop through social media and other channels.

33. Virtual Event Coordinator

 Imagine organizing webinars, virtual conferences, or online workshops, ensuring everything runs smoothly from start to finish. 

Coordinating virtual events is a modern job for retirees who are organized and tech-savvy. It offers the flexibility to work from home and engage with participants globally.

Requires knowledge of virtual event platforms, strong organizational skills, and the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Experience in event planning is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Learn about virtual event tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, and start offering your services to businesses and organizations.

34. Personal Fitness Trainer

 Imagine working with clients one-on-one or in small groups, designing personalized workout plans, and guiding them towards better health. 

Becoming a personal fitness trainer is ideal for retirees who are passionate about health and fitness. It offers the opportunity to help others achieve their wellness goals while staying active yourself.

Requires certification from a recognized fitness organization, knowledge of exercise techniques, and strong motivational skills. Experience in fitness training is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $30 – $70 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain a fitness trainer certification and start offering your services at local gyms, community centers, or online.

35. Dietition/Nutrition Consultant

 Imagine creating personalized meal plans, offering dietary advice, and supporting clients in making healthier food choices. 

Nutrition consulting is a fulfilling job for retirees with a background in dietetics or a passion for healthy eating. It allows you to help clients improve their dietary habits and overall health.

Requires certification in nutrition or dietetics, strong knowledge of dietary practices, and excellent communication skills. Experience in healthcare or wellness is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $40 – $100 per hour, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain necessary certifications and market your services through clinics, wellness centers, or online platforms.

36. Interior Decorator

 Imagine transforming clients’ homes or offices, selecting color schemes, furniture, and decor to create aesthetically pleasing environments. 

Interior decorating is a creative and enjoyable job for retirees with a flair for design. It offers the flexibility to work on various projects, from residential to commercial spaces.

Requires a good eye for design, knowledge of decorating trends, and strong communication skills. Experience in interior design is beneficial. 

You can also take the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) Examination to become a certified interior designer and then look forward to earning about $25/hour.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Build a portfolio of your decorating projects and advertise your services through local listings or social media. Learn how to create a decorating portfolio here.

37. Genealogist

 Imagine helping clients trace their family roots, build family trees, and discover their ancestral heritage. 

Genealogy is a fascinating job for retirees who enjoy researching family histories and uncovering ancestral stories. It offers the flexibility to work independently and engage in meaningful projects.

Requires strong research skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of historical records and databases. Certification from a genealogy organization can enhance credibility.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Join genealogy societies, invest in research tools, and start offering your services to individuals interested in their family history.

38. Insurance Agent

 Imagine assisting clients in selecting the right insurance policies, whether for health, life, property, or automobiles. 

Becoming an insurance agent is a stable and rewarding job for retirees who enjoy helping others protect their assets. It offers flexible hours and the potential for substantial earnings.

Requires obtaining an insurance license, strong sales skills, and knowledge of various insurance products. Experience in sales can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $30,000 – $70,000+ annually, based on commissions.

➡ Action Step: Complete the necessary licensing exams and join an insurance agency to start building your client base.

39. Financial Advisor

 Imagine guiding clients through investment strategies, retirement planning, and managing their financial portfolios to achieve their goals. 

Financial advising is a lucrative job for retirees with expertise in finance and investment. It allows you to help clients manage their finances and plan for the future.

Requires relevant certifications (such as CFP), strong analytical skills, and excellent communication abilities. Experience in finance or banking is essential.

➡ Earning Potential: $50,000 – $150,000+ annually, based on commissions and fees.

➡ Action Step: Obtain necessary certifications and join a financial advisory firm or start your own consultancy.

40. Technical Support Specialist

 Imagine assisting customers with troubleshooting software issues, setting up devices, or providing guidance on using new technologies. 

Technical support roles are suitable for retirees who are tech-savvy and enjoy helping others solve technical issues. It offers the flexibility to work remotely and on a flexible schedule.

Requires strong problem-solving skills, knowledge of various software and hardware, and excellent communication abilities. Experience in IT support is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Apply to technical support positions through companies like Apple, Dell, or specialized IT support firms.

41. Community Manager

 Imagine managing an online forum for hobby enthusiasts or organizing community events for a local neighborhood association. 

Community management is a dynamic job for retirees who enjoy fostering online or local communities. It offers the chance to engage with members, organize events, and promote community growth.

Requires excellent communication skills, knowledge of community platforms, and the ability to manage conflicts. Experience in social media or community engagement is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $60 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Join community management platforms or offer your services to local organizations and online communities.

42. Reiki Practitioner

 Imagine providing Reiki sessions to clients, helping them relieve stress, and promote physical and emotional healing. 

Reiki practice is a peaceful and healing job for retirees interested in alternative medicine. It offers the flexibility to work independently and help others achieve balance and wellness.

Requires certification in Reiki, strong interpersonal skills, and a compassionate nature. Experience in alternative healing practices is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $50 – $100 per session, potentially $30,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain Reiki certification and start offering your services through wellness centers, spas, or private practice.

43. Baking/Cooking Instructor

 Imagine conducting cooking classes, creating recipe books, or offering online tutorials to aspiring chefs. 

Teaching baking or cooking is a delicious job for retirees who love culinary arts. It offers the chance to share your recipes and techniques with others while enjoying the kitchen yourself.

Requires strong cooking skills, creativity, and good teaching abilities. Experience in culinary arts or food preparation is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $30,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Start offering classes at local community centers, culinary schools, or through online platforms like YouTube or Udemy. 

44. App Tester

 Imagine testing new mobile applications, identifying bugs, and providing valuable feedback to developers to improve user experience. 

App testing is a modern job for retirees who are tech-savvy and enjoy exploring new technologies. It offers the flexibility to work from home and contribute to the development of new applications.

Requires familiarity with smartphones and apps, attention to detail, and good communication skills for providing feedback. Experience in software testing is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $10 – $30 per hour, potentially $20,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Sign up with app testing platforms like UserTesting or BetaFamily and start taking on testing assignments.

45. Video Editor

 Imagine editing family videos, creating promotional content for small businesses, or producing online content for YouTube creators, keeping yourself engaged and entertained. 

Film and video editing is a fast-growing industry, offering an excellent part-time job option for retirees who prefer working from home. This role involves taking raw footage, selecting the best shots, sound, image, and dialogue, and creating seamless and appealing final videos.

No need to worry about industry jargon; you can learn video editing through free courses on platforms like Strong attention to detail, creativity, and proficiency with editing software are essential.

➡ Earning Potential: Average freelance editors earn about $28 per hour, with highly skilled professionals making up to $62 per hour.

➡ Action Step: Visit job platforms ZipRecruiter to find available video editing opportunities and start building your portfolio.

46. Private Investigator

 Imagine uncovering critical information, solving mysteries, and providing valuable insights to clients, all while enjoying flexible hours. 

Do you enjoy investigative work? Becoming a private investigator is a great part-time retirement job for seniors. Conduct investigations and research to gather information for individuals and corporate businesses.

No specific degree is required, though a degree in criminal justice can be advantageous. Apply at local PI firms near you to get started.

➡ Earning Potential: $35 – $45 per hour. With your own firm and a criminal justice degree, earnings can exceed $350 per hour.

➡ Action Step: Pass the required PI exam. and seek employment with local private investigation firms or consider starting your own practice.

47. SEO Specialist

 Imagine optimizing website content, conducting SEO audits, and developing strategies to boost search engine rankings for various clients. 

SEO specialization is a valuable job for retirees with a background in digital marketing. It allows you to help businesses improve their online visibility and attract more customers.

Requires knowledge of SEO techniques, keyword research, and familiarity with tools like Google Analytics. Experience in digital marketing is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $30 – $100 per hour, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Update your SEO skills through online courses and start offering your services to businesses looking to enhance their online presence.

48. Online Reseller

 Imagine buying discounted items and reselling them online for a profit, managing your own inventory and sales strategy. 

Online reselling is a profitable job for retirees who enjoy shopping and finding bargains. It offers the flexibility to work from home and the potential to generate significant income.

Requires knowledge of market trends, good negotiation skills, and familiarity with e-commerce platforms like eBay or Amazon. Experience in retail can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: Varies widely based on sales volume, potentially $10,000 – $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Start by sourcing items from local thrift stores or online marketplaces and list them on platforms like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy.

49. Meditation Instructor

 Imagine leading meditation classes, helping clients reduce stress, and promoting mental well-being through guided sessions. 

Teaching meditation is a peaceful job for retirees who are passionate about mindfulness and relaxation techniques. It offers the flexibility to work from home or in community settings.

Requires training in meditation practices, good communication skills, and the ability to guide others through meditation sessions. Certification can enhance credibility.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $30,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain certification in meditation instruction and start offering classes through local wellness centers or online platforms.

50. Travel Planner

 Imagine planning detailed itineraries, booking accommodations, and arranging activities for clients traveling to their dream destinations. 

Travel planning is a fantastic job for retirees who love traveling and enjoy helping others organize their trips. It offers the flexibility to work from home and the satisfaction of creating memorable experiences for clients.

Requires strong organizational skills, knowledge of travel destinations, and excellent customer service abilities. Experience in the travel industry is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $60 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Gain knowledge of popular travel destinations and start offering your services through travel agencies or independently online.

51. Home Stager

 Imagine transforming a home’s interior to highlight its strengths, making it more appealing to buyers, and helping homeowners achieve a faster sale. 

Home staging involves preparing homes for sale by making them more attractive to potential buyers. It’s a creative and rewarding job for retirees who enjoy interior design and real estate.

Requires a good eye for design, knowledge of current home trends, and strong organizational skills. Experience in real estate or interior design is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Build a portfolio of staged homes and market your services to real estate agents and homeowners looking to sell their properties.

52. Community Volunteer Coordinator

 Imagine organizing volunteer events, recruiting and training volunteers, and ensuring that community projects run smoothly. 

Volunteer coordinators manage and organize volunteer efforts for non-profit organizations. This role is ideal for retirees who are passionate about giving back and enjoy coordinating activities.

Requires strong organizational skills, excellent communication abilities, and a passion for community service. Experience in volunteer management is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $30,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Volunteer with local non-profits to gain experience and apply for volunteer coordinator positions as they become available.

53. Personal Chef

 Imagine preparing gourmet meals for clients in their homes, planning menus for special occasions, or catering for small events. 

Personal chefs prepare meals for individuals or families, offering a personalized dining experience. This job is perfect for retirees who love cooking and enjoy catering to specific dietary needs.

Requires excellent cooking skills, creativity, and the ability to customize menus based on client preferences. Experience in culinary arts is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Market your services through local advertising, social media, or by partnering with event planners and personal concierge services.

54. Online Community Moderator

 Imagine moderating discussions, enforcing community guidelines, and fostering a welcoming atmosphere for members in online groups or forums. 

Online community moderators manage and oversee online forums, social media groups, or community platforms. This job is ideal for retirees who enjoy engaging with people and maintaining a positive online environment.

Requires strong communication skills, familiarity with community management tools, and the ability to handle conflicts diplomatically. Experience in social media management is beneficial. 

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Apply to moderator positions on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, or specialized community websites and showcase your ability to manage online interactions effectively.

55. Personal Historian

 Imagine interviewing family members, collecting photographs, and compiling comprehensive life stories for future generations. 

Personal historians help individuals document and preserve their life stories and family histories. This job is ideal for retirees who enjoy storytelling and research.

Requires excellent writing and interviewing skills, attention to detail, and a passion for history. Experience in writing or research is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Market your services to families and individuals interested in preserving their personal histories through various channels.

56. Freelance Videographer

 Imagine filming family gatherings, creating promotional videos for businesses, or documenting local events, providing high-quality video content to clients. 

Freelance videography is perfect for retirees who love filming and editing videos. It offers the flexibility to work on a variety of projects, from weddings to corporate events.

Requires videography skills, knowledge of editing software, and creativity. Building a portfolio is essential for attracting clients.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $100 per hour, potentially $50,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Build a videography portfolio and market your services through social media, local advertising, and networking with businesses and event planners.

57. Content Strategist

 Imagine developing content strategies, creating editorial calendars, and overseeing the creation of blog posts, videos, and social media content for various clients. 

Content strategists plan and manage content for businesses to ensure it aligns with their goals and engages their target audience. It’s a suitable job for retirees with a background in marketing or communications.

Requires strong writing and planning skills, knowledge of content marketing, and familiarity with SEO. Experience in digital marketing is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $30 – $100 per hour, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Build a portfolio of content strategies and start offering your services to businesses looking to enhance their content marketing efforts.

58. Freelance Researcher

 Imagine conducting market research for businesses, compiling data for academic papers, or gathering information for authors working on their books. 

Freelance researchers conduct research for businesses, academics, or writers. This job is ideal for retirees who enjoy digging into information and providing valuable insights.

Requires strong research skills, attention to detail, and the ability to analyze and present data effectively. Experience in research or academia is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $75 per hour, potentially $40,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Build a portfolio of your research projects and market your services through freelance platforms or by networking with potential clients.

59. Grant Writer

 Imagine crafting compelling grant proposals that help organizations secure the funds they need to achieve their missions. 

Grant writing involves preparing proposals to secure funding for non-profits, educational institutions, and other organizations. It’s a fulfilling job for retirees who enjoy writing and research.

Requires excellent writing skills, attention to detail, and the ability to understand and articulate organizational needs. Experience in fundraising or non-profit work is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $30 – $100 per hour, potentially $60,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Gain experience by volunteering as a grant writer for local non-profits and build a portfolio to attract paying clients.

60. Hairdresser or Stylist

 Imagine providing stylish haircuts, coloring, and styling services to clients, helping them look and feel their best while enjoying a relaxed work environment. 

Becoming a hairdresser or stylist is an excellent low-stress job after retirement for seniors especially women. If you have a flair for style, you can start your own business and work from home, or opt to work at a salon. Interactions with customers and co-workers will brighten your day.

Requires a good sense of style, patience, and excellent customer service skills. You can learn hairdressing from a familiar hairdresser or through online courses.

➡ Earning Potential: $8 – $15 per hour for part-time work.

➡ Action Step: Enroll in a hairdressing course and explore opportunities to work at local salons or start your own home-based business.

Checkout: 15 Best Places to Sell Hair Online

Fun Retirement Jobs for Seniors

Listed below are some fun retirement jobs that not only offer flexibility and enjoyment but also pay surprisingly well, making them perfect for individuals around 50 years old looking to enhance their retirement years.

61. Art Instructor

 Imagine conducting art classes for children, adults, or seniors, helping them explore their artistic talents. 

Teaching art is a creative and enjoyable job for retirees who love painting, drawing, or other artistic endeavors. It allows you to inspire others while expressing your creativity.

Strong artistic skills, patience, and the ability to teach various techniques are essential. A background in art education can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $50 per hour, potentially $30,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Offer classes at local community centers, art studios, or online through platforms like Skillshare or Udemy.

Check: Who Qualifies for Free YMCA Membership?

62. Professional Cuddler

 Imagine offering bear hugs and warm companionship to those in need, helping them feel safe and supported. 

Professional cuddling is a form of touch therapy that provides comfort and emotional support to individuals dealing with anxiety, pain, and low self-esteem. It’s an ideal job for those aged 55 and older who are compassionate, understanding, and great listeners.

Requires empathy, excellent listening skills, and a comforting presence. No formal qualifications are needed, but training in touch therapy can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: Approximately $40 per hour for providing comforting and supportive touch.

➡ Action Step: Join platforms like snuggle buddies to start your career as a professional cuddler.

63. House Sitter

 Imagine enjoying a peaceful stay in someone else’s home while having the time to rest, read, or even work on personal projects like blogging. 

House sitting is a stress-free and comfortable job for retirees. You stay in your employer’s home, handling simple tasks like feeding pets, watering plants, and ensuring the house remains secure.

Requires reliability, trustworthiness, and a responsible nature. Experience with pets or household management is beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: Varies depending on your employer, but on average, you can earn $30- 35/hr.

➡ Action Step: Visit platforms like Housecarers and Trusted House Sitters to find long-term house sitting job opportunities tailored for retirees.

64. Dance Instructor

 Imagine teaching ballroom, salsa, or hip-hop classes at local studios, community centers, or even online. 

Teaching dance is a joyful job for retirees who love movement and enjoy teaching others. It offers the flexibility to set your own schedule and engage with students of all ages.

Requires proficiency in dance styles, good teaching skills, and the ability to motivate students. Certification in dance instruction can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $20 – $60 per hour, potentially $30,000+ annually.

➡ Action Step: Obtain any necessary certifications and start offering dance classes through local venues or online platforms.

65. Music Instructor

 Imagine teaching piano lessons to beginners or coaching a local choir, fostering a love for music in your community. 

Teaching music is a fulfilling job for retirees who are skilled in playing an instrument or have a background in music education. It offers the joy of sharing your passion with others.

Proficiency in a musical instrument, patience, and good teaching skills are essential. Formal music education can be beneficial.

➡ Earning Potential: $25 – $60 per hour, potentially $30,000 annually.

➡ Action Step: Advertise your lessons locally or offer online classes through platforms like LessonFace or TakeLessons.

66. Take Paid Surveys

Earn money by participating in online surveys from the comfort of your home. Companies value your opinions on their products and services to guide research, development, and marketing strategies.

Most survey app platforms reward you with points for each completed survey, typically earning between 5 to 250 points per survey. When you accumulate 100 points, you can cash out $1 or choose gift cards for retailers like Amazon and Walmart.

  • Survey Junkie – With apps like Survey Junkie, you can earn up to $300 per month by taking short and easy surveys. Survey Junkie is 100% legit, pays up to $45 per survey, and has a 4-star rating on Trustpilot. Their surveys are simple, and you can redeem rewards via gift cards or PayPal cash – Click here to Start earning now
  • LifePointsPanel – Another reliable platform is LifePoints, which boasts over 4,000 positive reviews and a 4.5-star rating on Trustpilot. Available to a global audience over 16 years of age, LifePoints offers rewards such as Amazon and Walmart gift cards for participating in surveys – Sign up now

➡ Earning Potential: $50 – $300 per month.

➡ Action Step: Sign up with reputable survey sites like Survey Junkie or LifePoints and start earning rewards by sharing your opinions today.

Part-Time Retirement Jobs for Seniors [That Require No Degree!]

  1. Gardener- $12 per hour
  2. Parking Attendant- $18K per year
  3. Pizza Delivery- $8 per hour
  4. Mail Carrier- $18 per hour
  5. School Bus Driver- $650 per week
  6. Auto Mechanic- $20 per hour

FAQs Section

1. What are good jobs for retired seniors?

Good jobs for retired seniors include roles that offer flexibility, low stress, and align with personal interests. Examples are bookkeepers, virtual assistants, freelance consultants, and pet sitters. These positions allow retirees to stay active, utilize their skills, and maintain financial stability.

2. What are easy jobs for retired seniors?

Easy jobs for retired seniors include positions that require minimal physical effort, offer flexible schedules, and allow seniors to work at their own pace. Examples are virtual assistants, freelance writers, and consulting roles, which provide a comfortable and manageable work environment.

3. How can I find retirement employment opportunities?

To find retirement employment opportunities, explore online job boards tailored to retirees or other platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Legit, etc., join professional networks, attend local job fairs, volunteer, and utilize platforms like LinkedIn. Additionally, consider reaching out to former colleagues and leveraging your existing connections.

4. What are the best post retirement jobs for seniors?

The best post retirement jobs for seniors match their skills, interests, and desired engagement levels. Consulting, teaching, real estate, virtual assisting, and creative pursuits like writing or crafting are excellent options. These roles provide fulfillment and financial benefits while accommodating a retiree’s lifestyle.

5. What is a good part time job for a retiree?

Retirees can find rewarding part-time jobs such as consulting, leveraging professional expertise; tutoring students in various subjects; freelance writing or editing for publications; bookkeeping for small businesses; pet sitting or grooming for animal lovers; and virtual assisting, providing remote administrative support. These roles offer flexibility, engagement, and supplementary income while keeping retirees active and fulfilled.

6. What are the best low-stress jobs after retirement in India?

After retirement in India, seniors can explore low-stress jobs that offer flexibility and fulfillment. Consulting allows retirees to leverage their professional expertise, while tutoring provides opportunities to educate students in various subjects. Freelance writing or editing suits those with strong language skills, and bookkeeping offers structured financial management roles. Art and craft instructors can share creative talents, and gardening consultants help design beautiful outdoor spaces. Additionally, virtual assistants provide remote administrative support, pet sitting or grooming caters to animal lovers, and translation services utilize multilingual abilities. These roles help retirees stay active, engaged, and financially secure.


Engaging in post-retirement jobs offers numerous benefits, including financial stability, mental stimulation, and social engagement. Whether you prefer remote work or on-site opportunities, there are great jobs for retired seniors that cater to various interests and skills.

Explore the listed opportunities and choose roles that align with your passions and lifestyle, ensuring a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement.

11 Jobs That Pay Over $200k A Year Without A Degree

When it comes to jobs that pay over 200k a year, you might immediately think of careers that require an advanced degree, such as doctors, dentists, or lawyers.

But the truth is plenty of high-earning jobs are available that don’t require a degree. Whether you’re a creative person or enjoy working with numbers, there is a job out there that will suit you.

Real Estate Associate

As a real estate associate, you will be responsible for managing the buying and selling of properties, negotiating contracts, and providing expert advice to your clients. This job requires strong interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and an in-depth understanding of the real estate industry.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for real estate brokers and sales agents was between $65,460 and $175,000 in 2022. However, top earners in this field can make over 200k a year, especially if they work in high-end markets or specialize in luxury properties.

One way to boost your earning potential as a real estate associate is to work for a large brokerage firm that offers commission-based compensation. In this model, you’ll earn a percentage of the sale price every time you close a deal, which means that your earnings will depend directly on how many properties you can sell.

Voice-Over Artist

If you have a talent for creating distinct voices or narrating stories, then a career as a voice-over artist might be the right choice for you.

Voice-over artists provide their voices for films, TV shows, commercials, video games, and other audio productions. To be successful in this field, you’ll need an outstanding voice that can convey different emotions, accents, and timing.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for voice-over artists in the United States is $68,962, with some top-earning professionals making over 200k a year.

Please note that voice-over work can be highly competitive, and you’ll need to have connections in the industry or a remarkable portfolio of past projects to stand out from the crowd.

Business Owner

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a knack for making smart business decisions, starting your own company could be the path to wealth and success.

As a business owner, your income potential is almost limitless, as you can scale up your operations and hire more employees as your company grows.

The amount of money you can make as a business owner will depend on the field you choose, your level of investment, and your ability to attract and retain customers. However, many successful entrepreneurs earn over $200k a year or millions of dollars.

SEE: 7 Businesses You Can Start With $5,000 or Less

Some of the most profitable industries for small business owners include tech startups, e-commerce, healthcare, and real estate.

To increase your chances of success, consider working with experienced business mentors, networking with other entrepreneurs, and investing in marketing strategies that help you reach your target audience.

Social Media Marketer

Social media has become one of the most important marketing channels for businesses of all sizes, and as a result, the demand for skilled social media marketers has skyrocketed. As a social media marketer, your job will be to create and implement social media campaigns that drive leads, increase brand awareness, and engage with customers.

According to PayScale, the average annual salary for social media marketers in the United States is $51,311; more experience and skillset can make an individual earn up to 200k. This job requires excellent communication skills, a creative mindset, and proficiency in social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

To stand out as a social media marketer, you must demonstrate your expertise by building a strong portfolio of past campaigns, developing a deep understanding of social media analytics and metrics, and staying up-to-date with the industry’s latest trends and best practices.

Web Developer

Web development is in high demand as large and small businesses look to build and maintain their online presence. If you have an eye for detail, technical skills, and experience in coding, web development can be a lucrative career choice. According to Indeed, web developers in the United States earn an average annual salary of $75,000. However, those at the top of the field can earn upwards of $200,000 annually.

As a web developer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining websites, often working with teams of designers, marketing specialists, and other development professionals. You’ll need to be comfortable with coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and software applications such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Truck Driver

Truck driving is another career option that can net you a six-figure salary without a degree. With the ongoing demand for goods to be transported across the country, truck drivers are in high demand.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average salary for a truck driver in the United States is $48,000 a year. However, those with experience and seniority can earn upwards of $200,000 annually, transporting oversized freight.

To become a truck driver, you must have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and meet other state and federal requirements. You can typically obtain your CDL through a vocational school or community college, with the option of companies providing on-the-job training.

Independent Contractor

If you have specific skills, such as web design, social media marketing, or graphic design, consider working as an independent contractor.

Independent contractors are self-employed professionals who provide services to businesses and organizations on a contract basis. As an independent contractor, you’ll be responsible for finding work, setting your rates, and managing your finances.

The earning potential for independent contractors can be enormous, with some earning $200,000 a year or more. However, it’s important to remember that you must factor in costs such as taxes, healthcare, and retirement savings.

While the work of an independent contractor can be more flexible, it can also require a higher level of organizational skills, self-discipline, and comfortability with networking and self-promotion.

Stock Trader

Although a finance degree can help you break into the field of trading stocks, it’s not a prerequisite. The art of trading stocks is a high-stress, high-risk career option, but the potential rewards are enormous. According to Glassdoor, experienced stock traders can earn upwards of $200,000 a year, with those working for investment banks earning even more.

To become a stock trader, you’ll need a knack for analysis, patience, a deep understanding of market trends and the ability to react systematically, and the willingness to take risks. Furthermore, trading requires discipline and intuition, learning from mistakes, and unwavering confidence.

Personal Trainer

With an increasing emphasis on health, wellness, and fitness, the demand for personal trainers has never been higher. Personal trainers are trained professionals who work with clients one-on-one to help them achieve their fitness goals.

While a degree in exercise science or kinesiology is helpful, it’s not required. Instead, most gyms and fitness centers require certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

The average annual salary for a personal trainer in the United States is $52,000. However, experienced and certified personal trainers can earn upwards of $200,000 annually.

To succeed as a personal trainer, you must know anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and fitness trends. Furthermore, you must have excellent communication skills, patience, and an ability to connect with people of all ages, abilities, and fitness goals.


Breaking the myth that a college degree is the only path to a high-paying job. There are various professions that offer excellent earning potential without formal education.

From brokers to skilled trades and entrepreneurship, individuals have numerous opportunities to achieve financial success through their skills, experience, and determination.

So, whether you have a degree or not, with hard work, continuous learning, and a passion for what you do can open doors to a fulfilling and lucrative career.

11 Remote Jobs for Introverts

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What are the best remote jobs for introverts? Check out this list of high paying jobs for introverts, including part-time and entry-level jobs. There are lots of opportunities to make money from home without a degree or experience.

If the thought of making sales calls or doing video chats makes you want to run and hide, you’re not alone.

While traditional office jobs tend to favor extroverts, approximately 50 percent of the population in the US are introverts who prefer jobs where you work alone from home.

And as an introvert myself, I know how important it is to find the right job for my personality.

The good news is there’s plenty of high-paying jobs for introverts, even if you don’t like talking to people. That’s why I’ve rounded up some of the best jobs for introverts.

Each job allows you to work from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere else you’d like to work) and let your natural skills thrive. It also includes the best jobs for introverts with no experience, perfect for those who need to make money fast.

best work from home jobs for introverts

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Table of Contents

1. Virtual assistant

how to become a virtual assistat work from home

virtual assistant is one of the best entry level jobs for introverts because you can work from home.

As a virtual assistant, you’ll provide services to organizations, companies or individual business owners. Whether it’s responding to emails, bookkeeping, proofreading, being a social media manager or SEO, there’s a wide range of tasks a VA can offer.

One of the aspects about being a VA that many introverts like is that you can set your own hours and work from anywhere that has an internet connection. All you need is your laptop or computer to get started.

How much money can you make as a Virtual Assistant?

The average North American virtual assistant salary earns $35 to $50 per hour. Some earn as high as $100 per hour and others as low as $20 per hour.

The amount of money you make will depend on your experience, skills, education, and so on.

My friend Gina Horkey, the mastermind behind Fully Booked VA, started her VA business part-time in 2014. Within 6 months, she was earning over $4,000 per month and was able to quit her 9-5 job to pursure her VA business full-time in less than a year.

For the past 7+ years, she’s helped thousands of people build thriving virtual assistant and freelance writing businesses. Thanks to her teachings, some of her students are earning upwards of $10,000+ per month.

No matter what your current skillset or income goals are, Gina can help you create a secure and stable future as a VA. Not sure where to start? Check out this list of 275+ in-demand servcices.

Recommended Virtual Assistant Resources

Free GuideHow to become a virtual assistant with no experience
Virtual Assistant Course
Fully Booked VA

2. Bake homemade dog treats

make money selling dog treats

Did you know that the global pet care market was valued at $150.67 billion in 2021? People LOVE to spend money on their pets and treat them as part of the family.

There are many great reasons to why you might want to learn how to start a dog bakery business at home.

If you love dogs and like the idea of making healthy treats for them, then this could be the perfect combination to help you build a thriving and profitable business.

Tasty treats can come in handy to help pet owners celebrate their dog’s birthday, a special milestone, an afternoon snack, or even a reward for good behavior.

How much money can you make selling dog treats?

As a beginner, you can make around $500-$2,500 a month selling homemade dog treats.

As a full-time business operating from your home kitchen, you can earn between $5,000 – $8,000 per month.

Many dog bakery business owners make around five or six-figures per month. To do so, you probably need to rent a ghost kitchen (local commerical kitchen), which is usually pretty affordable. This is one of the best low stress jobs for introverts.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to start a dog treat bakery from your own kithchen, check out this free workshop here.

How to stara dog treat business resources:

Read Next: 21 profitable hobbies that make money

3. Pinterest virtual assistant

pinterest virtual assistant training

A Pinterest virtual assistant is a VA that specializes in Pinterest. If you like social media marketing, this can be a great remote job opportunity.

With over a million blogs and online businesses, it’s no surprise that Pinterest virtual assistantsand Pinterest Managers are in high demand. This is a good job for creative introverts because you have fun designing graphics.

If you have some basic graphic design skills, becoming a Pinterest virtual assistant may be the perfect opportunity of you.

As a Pinterest VA, you’ll create click-worthy pins to build a client’s reach on Pinterest and maintain their presence on the social media platform. This can help drive traffic to your client’s website or sales page.

How much money can you make as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

According Kristin, the mastermind behind Become a Pinterest VA, an absolute beginner can earn an average salary of $15-$20 per hour.

Some Pinterest VAs can earn up to $100 per hour. The amount of money you make will depend on your experience, skills, education, and so on.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to kick-start your Pinterest Virtual Assistant career, here’s a free workshop you can check out.

Pinterest Virtual Assistant Resources:

Free GuideHow to become a Pinterest virtual assistant
Free WorkshopLearn how to become a Pinterest VA today!
Pinterest Virtual Assistant CourseBecome a Pinterest VA

4. Proofreader

how to become a proofreader online and make an extra $500 a month

If you enjoy reading and have an eagle-eye for spotting grammar errors, then you may want to consider becoming a proofreader. This is a great part-time job for introverts with no experience.

As an online proofreader, you’ll look for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This is great for detailed-oriented people. For example, a proofreader will notice “their” when it should be “they’re”.

The goal is to ensure that content is free of errors before it goes out to the public. Proofreading is the final stage of the writing process. This is one of the best careers for introverts where you can work alone from home.

How much money can you make as a proofreader?

According to, the average salary in the USA for a proofreader is $50,846 as of February 2019. The range typically falls between $44,618 and $58,064.

The amount of money you make will depend on your experience, skills, education, and so on.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to kick-start your Proofreading career, here’s a free workshop you can check out.

Online Proofreader Resources:

Free WorkshopStart Your Freelance Proofreading Hustle
Free GuideHow to become an online proofreader
Proofreading CourseGeneral Proofreading – Theory & Practice™

5. Flip items for profit

Flea Market Flipping: Make Money Flipping Items For Profit

Flipping stuff for profit is becoming one of the best jobs for introverts with no experience. Many people are decluttering and getting rid of things they don’t want anymore.

And today’s technology makes it easier than ever to resell and flip these items for cash.

If you enjoy hunting for hidden gems at flea markets, garage sales, or antique shops, then you may want to consider turning your hobby into a side hustle.

This is one of the best jobs for introverts without a degree because you can work from home.

How much money can you make flipping items for profit?

The amount you make can depend on a lot of factors. For example, Rob and Melissa made $42,000 on the side in 2015, working between 5-15 hours per week.

In 2016, Rob and Melissa made $133,054 in sales flipping flea market, thrift store, and yard sale items. 

Both Rob and Melissa now earn a full-time income flipping items, spending an average of 20-25 hours per week on their business. They believe this is something anyone can learn how to do.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to kick-start your flipping career, here’s a free workshop you can check out.

Flea Market Flipping Resources:

Free GuideThe 18 best items to flip for profit
Free WorkshopTurn Your Passion Into A Profitable Reselling Business
Flea Market Flipping CourseFlipper University

6. Sell printables on Etsy

how to sell printables on etsy

My friend Julie from Millenial Boss makes thousands of dollars every month by selling printables on Etsy!

Etsy is a global online marketplace where people can sell their products, such as printables.

Printables are a type of digital products that customers can download and print at home.

Examples of printables include:

  • Chore chart checklists
  • Wedding invitations
  • Meal planners
  • Calendars
  • To-do lists
  • Coloring pages for kids

If you’re interested in learning more about how to sell printables on Etsy, I recommend checking out Julie’s course, E-Printable Side Hustle.

Some of the students in Julie’s course are earning $2,000 – $4,000+ per month from selling printables.

In her course, she’ll walk you through the entire process on how to make printables, set up your Etsy account, and make passive income.

You can also check out her free workshop to help you decide if selling printables is the right choice for you.

Printable Resources:

Selling Printables course: E-Printable Side Hustle
Free Workshop: How to manifest passive income by selling printables
Step-by-Step guide: How to make money selling printables on Etsy

7. Get paid to grocery shop

Get paid to grocery shop for others and make deliveries with Instacart. There are no set hours or days, which means you can shop as much or as little as you want, anytime you want.

According to, the average in-store shopper gets paid around $15 per hour. However, your pay can range from $6-$24 per hour.

To get started, head to to create your free account.

You can choose to “Shop and Deliver, which requires access to a car, or just “Shop only” where you’ll prepare orders at one store.

8. Start a profitable blog

make money online - start a blog

Blogging is one of the best travel jobs for introverts. This is because you can work from home (or anywhere you want), set your own schedule, and write about anything you wish!

If you’re passionate about a certain topic or knowledgeable in a particular niche, then blogging can be an excellent way to make money online.

The best part about blogging is that it’s easy to get started and the start-up costs are low. You can make money from blogging by display ads on your site, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling your own products.

If you’re interested in starting your own blog, here’s my free step-by-step guide. It takes just a few minutes to get your blog up and running. There’s no tech experience required – anyone can do it!

Need some extra guidance? Check out my FREE blogging course for beginners. It will show you how to set up and launch your blog in just 5 days. You can sign up by entering your info below.

Blue Host is offering a great deal right now for getting your blog up and running. They make it quick and easy to get started. It’s the web hosting company I used to start this blog, which is why I like recommending them. No tech knowledge required!

Save over 60% off the price of your blog with this special offer (expiring soon)!

Click here to subscribe

Blogging Resources:

Free GuideHow to become a blogger and make money
Free Course
Launch Your Blog In 5 Days
Recommended web hostingBluehost (Get a FREE domain name through this link)

9. Sell photos online

make money selling photos online

If you’re good at taking photos, you can easily earn some extra cash by selling your photos online.

Companies and online business owners (especially bloggers) are always looking for images to use for their websites or marketing materials. A photographer is one of the best jobs for introverts or stay-at-home parents.

Photos in high demand right now include images of people (kids, adults), people working, travel, food, cities, nature, and photos of things (tools, books, laptops).

If you’re looking for how to work from home without a bachelor’s degree, selling photos online can be a good option.

If you need to brush up on your photography skills, you may want to consider checking out Pinch of Yum’s Photography e-book.

Even though her book is about food photography, her tips can be applied to any type of photography. This is a great resource for learning how to take amazing photos.

Recommended places to sell your photos online:

  • Sell photos on your own website. This is the most popular way to sell photos online. You can set your own prices and have 100% control over how you display your photos. Check out this simple guide on how to create your own photography website.
  • Shutterstock. This is a great option for those who are not ready to start their own website. Shutterstock has paid out more than $500 million worldwide to their contributors. To get started, simply upload your content to their easy-to-use platform.
  • Deposit Photos. This website makes it easy to start selling your photos. Simply click here to create your free account and upload your best content. After your account has been approved, you can start selling and earning cash for your photos.
  • iStock. This is another popular stock photo website where you can sell your photos online. Simply head to and scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Sell Stock” to create your free account.
  • Getty Images. This is well-known stock photography website, serving over 1.5 million customers worldwide. As a contributor, you can make money selling your photos. Learn more here.

10. Flip websites for profit

jobs for introverts - make money with flippa

Flippa is one of the most popular online marketplaces where you can buy and flip websites for profit. This can be one of the best jobs for introverts because you can work from the comfort of your own home.

Flippa currently has a TrustScore rating of 4/5 on TrustPilot, making it one of the highest-rated sites to buy and sell businesses for profit.

Over 1.5 million people have used Flippa to buy websites, mobile apps or online businesses. You can click here to learn more about making money on Flippa.

11. Sell graphic designs online

jobs for introverts - graphic design

If you enjoy making graphic designs and working on the computer, you can make money by selling your designs online. This is one of the best jobs where you can work alone from home.

If you’re not quite ready to start your own website, consider using Spreadshirt. This is an online marketplace that allows you to customize and design products and sell them through free user-created shops. This can be a great online job for introverts.

For more information and tips on remote jobs for introverts with no experience

37 Lucrative Weekend Side Hustles

One of the best ways to increase your income and attain your financial goals is to get a side hustle. 

Given the responsibilities of working a regular 9 to 5 and balancing that with your social life, finding time for a side hustle can be challenging. 

Fortunately, if you have a little extra time during the weekends, there are plenty of weekend side hustles you can do to make quick money. 

Whether you want some cash to cover an emergency or want to boost your income, there’s something for you. In this article, I’ll cover 37 easy, well-paying, and flexible weekend side jobs you should consider. 

Table of Contents  show 

The Best Weekend Side Hustles

1. Deliver Food and Groceries

Driving gigs that pay are a popular side hustle, especially food and grocery delivery. These apps offer a flexible way to make money on your schedule. 

Plus, weekends are pretty lucrative for these gigs because order volumes are the highest during the weekends.

Here are some of the most popular food and grocery delivery gigs: 

  • Instacart: A grocery delivery service where you get paid to shop and deliver groceries to customers. You can also opt for the in-store option, where your only job would be shopping and packaging the items for pickup.
  • DoorDash: You can sign up for DoorDash and make money delivering fast food and restaurant meals via a car, bike, or scooter. 
  • Uber Eats: This is the food delivery branch of the rideshare platform Uber and a popular side hustle where you can make money delivering meals to customers in your city. 
  • Shipt: Make money shopping and delivering groceries on Shipt. You can choose to shop and deliver or do delivery only. 
  • Grubhub: This food delivery service partners with local restaurants to offer delivery services. You can make money as a Grubhub delivery driver. 
  • Walmart Spark: Make money as a Spark driver, delivering items from Walmart and other retailers to customers’ doorsteps. 

2. Transcription

Transcription is one of the best ways to make money online. Businesses and even individuals may want their videos or podcast episodes converted into blog posts. 

You can make good money working as a transcriber on the weekend. This is a flexible side hustle since you can discuss terms with your clients. 

Your job would involve listening to audio files or watching videos and converting them to written documents. 

You’ll need specific skills to better yourself as a transcriber, so you may need to do a few short courses online. 

Transcribe Anywhere is one of the best transcription training courses available online. The classes are offered online, and you can expand your transcription knowledge and skills to gain a competitive advantage. 

Join the free transcription workshop!

3. Answer Surveys

Did you know you can get paid to give your opinion? Answering surveys is one of the easiest and most flexible side hustles you can do. 

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With survey platforms, you can make money from the comfort of your couch. You get points for every survey you answer, which you can redeem for gift cards or cash, depending on the specific platform. 

While these platforms won’t make you rich, they’re an easy way to earn something as you relax over the weekend. 

Here are some sites you should consider if you’re looking for surveys that pay cash instantly.

  • Branded Surveys: An online survey site that rewards you with gift cards and free PayPal money for sharing your opinion. 
  • YouGov: This market research company pays you in cash for answering surveys on various topics. 
  • Prime Opinion: This is one of the few survey sites that pay you in cash for taking surveys. Plus, it has a $10 welcome bonus.
  • Valued Opinions: You can earn shopping vouchers, gift cards, and other rewards for answering surveys or testing products. 
  • Crowdtap: This market research platform rewards you for taking brief surveys or testing products and giving honest feedback. You can cash out at $5.
  • Toluna: This online community survey platform rewards users for taking brief surveys and giving their opinions. 
  • BizKnowledge: Take surveys and earn points redeemable for gift cards to Amazon and other major retailers. 

4. Start a Print on Demand Business

Another profitable digital side hustle you should consider is starting a Print on Demand (POD) business. You design products, and a POD company prints and ships the products to your customers. 


Products are only printed once the order has been made, so there’s no chance of wasted stock. Additionally, all credit goes to you, not the POD company that handles packaging and shipping. 

Printify is a trusted POD company you can partner with to make money selling products like phone cases, custom t-shirts, and more on e-commerce stores. 

5. Rideshare Driver

Rideshare driving is one of the most popular weekend side jobs. Platforms like Uber and Lyft are a great way to make money on the side. 

One of the reasons the side hustle is so popular is the flexibility. You can work whenever and however much you want as a rideshare driver. 

Weekend Side Jobs

Additionally, the requirements to qualify as a rideshare driver are simple. For most platforms, you must:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Have a valid driver’s license
  • Have a reliable vehicle with car insurance
  • Own a smartphone

6. Dog Walking or Pet Sitting

If you love animals, another weekend side hustle you can try is taking care of people’s pets and walking dogs. 

The amount you make from pet sitting and dog walking will depend on factors like your experience with animals and clients’ availability. 

Weekend Side Hustles

You can join platforms like Rover that connect pet sitters with clients needing services within their area. 

This is a fun, flexible side hustle you can do over the weekend. Once connected with clients, you’ll get paid to walk dogs or care for pets when their owners are away for the weekend. 

7. Babysitting

If you have childcare experience and enjoy staying with kids, babysitting is another fun way to make easy money over the weekend. 

There aren’t many requirements for babysitters, and they usually vary depending on the parents. 

However, CPR and first aid certifications, as well as experience in childcare, will give you a competitive advantage and can help you charge higher rates for your services. 

Some parents may also conduct a background check before hiring you. There are also online platforms like where you can connect with parents looking for babysitters. 

8. Online Tutoring

Online tutoring can be a lucrative weekend side job if you have a particular set of skills or knowledge in a specific field. 

People are always looking for tutors in various fields, from Math or Science to Music and cooking classes. 

If you’re an expert in a specific field, you can monetize your knowledge by offering online tutoring services. This is one of the weekend side hustles you can start immediately. 

You can use online tutoring platforms to find clients or offer private tutoring. Having a degree is an added advantage but not a necessity. 

9. Deliver Packages

Another high-paying weekend side hustle is delivering packages. This is a flexible side hustle that can be easily balanced with other responsibilities. 

Owning a truck or van is an added advantage for this kind of job, but it depends on the platform you use and the type of packages you deliver. 

Here are the top platforms you should consider if you want to make money delivering packages: 

  • Amazon Flex: As an Amazon Flex driver, you’ll make money delivering packages as an independent contractor. You can schedule your Amazon Flex blocks when you’re available on the weekend. 
  • Goshare: This is a platform that connects people in need of moving and delivery services with drivers who can provide the services. You should be able to lift heavy items as a Goshare delivery professional. 
  • Roadie: This local delivery platform connects independent drivers with individuals and businesses in their area that need delivery services. 

10. Mystery Shopper

If you enjoy shopping, becoming a mystery shopper can be a fun weekend side hustle. 

As a mystery shopper, companies pay you to shop at specific stores and give your honest feedback about your shopping experience and customer service. 

You’re typically reimbursed for the purchases and get paid for providing your feedback. You can view every assignment’s details before accepting it and work on a schedule that works best for you. 

Online platforms like Market Force can help you find mystery shopping opportunities, and you can start for free. 

11. House Sitting

House sitting is one of the easiest weekend side hustles because you’re basically getting paid to hang out in an empty house. 

When people travel out of town, they may need a house sitter, especially if there are plants or pets to be taken care of.


This is an effortless way to make money over the weekend. Additionally, since you won’t be busy, you can spend your time on another online side hustle, like taking surveys or tutoring. 

You can find house-sitting gigs on platforms like TrustedHousesitters or MindMyHouse

12. House Cleaning

Next on our list of lucrative weekend side hustles is offering house cleaning services. It’s a flexible side hustle that you can do exclusively during the weekend. 

The job has few start-up costs and can be a great way to make money, especially if there’s high demand in your area. 

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You can start small by offering your services to one or two neighbors and then grow your client base through referrals. 

There are also platforms that connect cleaners with locals in their area who need the services, and this can be a great way to get clients. 

13. Do Odd Jobs

Another excellent way to make money over the weekend is to do odd jobs. These tasks can be anything from mounting appliances to shoveling snow during winter. 

Odd job apps like Steady are great platforms where you’ll find various jobs and choose the most suitable ones for you. 


Apps like TaskRabbit and Steady make finding odd jobs easier. Once you’ve created your account, the app will match you with odd jobs based on your interests and skills. 

You can also use sites like Craigslist to find same-day pay jobs. People post ads on the site looking for help with specific jobs, and you can reach out to them and agree on rates. 

14. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is one of the most lucrative weekend side jobs. It’s a rather broad field that encompasses various jobs. 

If you have good writing skills, consider monetizing your skills by working as a freelance writer. You can start off by offering general writing services and then specialize once you find a niche that interests you. 

Freelance Writer

Specializing in a field, like technical writing or blog posts, helps you make more money because you can charge more for your services. 

You can find freelance writing jobs on sites like Upwork and Fiverr. You’ll build relationships with your clients by providing quality services, guaranteeing a steady stream of writing jobs. 

15. Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant is another great way to make money on the side. Busy individuals and small businesses often need help with administrative tasks, and you can provide these services. 

As a virtual assistant, some of your responsibilities would include: 

  • Scheduling appointments
  • Reading and responding to customer emails
  • Handling travel and hotel bookings
  • Social media management

There are plenty of online courses on virtual assistance, both paid and free. 

Enrolling in a course would help you develop the skills you need and give you a competitive advantage, especially if you have a certificate to show you’ve been trained. 

16. Flip Items

Flipping items is another excellent way to make extra money over the weekend. For maximum profit, you should aim for popular products that will sell fast. 

Here are some profitable items flip:

You can sell these items on online marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace, Mercari, or eBay. Ensure you set reasonable prices so you don’t scare customers away. 

While profit margins can be thin, it’s important to be patient while you scale your inventory. 

17. Bartender

Bartending can also be a profitable side hustle to do over the weekend, especially since bars and pubs are busiest at these times.

To start working as a bartender, you may have to take classes. In some areas, you’re required to be certified and licensed to bartend. 

Ensure you determine the requirements in your area if you’re interested in the job and would like to get started. 

18. Become a Local Tour Guide

If you’re a history enthusiast and know a lot about your local area, you can use this knowledge to your advantage by offering tour guide services during the weekend. 

You can take tourists around, showing them the various attractions in your cities, favorite sites, and even good places to eat. 

Most tourists visit places on weekends, so working as a tour guide can easily fit into your weekend schedule. 

19. Handyman Services

If you’re handy with tools, offering handyman services is another good weekend side hustle. 

You can cash in on your skills by offering to help friends and neighbors with home improvement tasks like fixing pipes, electricity, or mounting appliances. 

If you’d like to make a significant commitment, you can become insured and bonded, which will protect you and your clients and build your credibility so you can charge more for your services. 

20. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a job that involves promoting a company’s product or service and getting paid a commission for every sale made through your affiliate link. 

Affiliate marketing can be a great weekend side hustle because it’s low-cost and low-risk. All you need to get started is a website, but it’s not necessary. 

Learning the ropes and building your audience might take some time, so don’t be discouraged when you don’t make big bucks right from the get-go. 

21. Coaching

Coaching is another excellent weekend side hustle if you’re knowledgeable and experienced in a given field. 

You can offer coaching and consultation services online by creating and selling courses in your area of expertise. 

You may have to invest some money to create and market the materials, but this side hustle can grow into a pretty lucrative business. 

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You can use online platforms like Teachable or Skillshare to create your online course at a small cost. Some charge a specific fee, while others retain a commission for every course you sell. 

22. Sell Plasma

You can also make a decent income by donating plasma. Human plasma is essential for various medical procedures, and there’s always a high demand for it. 

Donating plasma is a good way to make money and help people, and it basically takes no effort on your part. 

You can start by looking up your area’s highest-paying plasma donation centers. As long as you’re in good health, you can donate plasma monthly. 

The amount you make from this side hustle will depend on the specific donation center, the current demand for plasma, and how many times you donate. 

23. Help Set Up Events

Helping with local events is another good weekend side job if you’re a detail-oriented person. 

As an event planner assistant, your main responsibility would be helping out with behind-the-scene tasks that ensure the events go smoothly. 

Your gigs can range from corporate events and weddings to birthday parties, games, and concerts. 

You can find these jobs by visiting your local job sites or using apps like Instawork, which help you find local temporary jobs. 

24. Sell Items on Etsy

Running an Etsy store can be a pretty lucrative side hustle if you like art and crafts. Etsy is a popular platform for selling artwork and other handmade items. 

Some of the best-selling items on Etsy include:

  • Craft supplies
  • Handmade home decor
  • Jewelry
  • Custom-made gifts
  • Handmade bags and purses
  • Pet gifts
  • Art prints

One of the advantages of selling on Esty is there are already millions of buyers, so you don’t have to spend extra money on marketing. 

25. Find a Flexible Part Time Job

Another weekend side hustle is finding a flexible part-time job that you do over the weekend. 

A part-time job is a great way to boost your income and achieve your financial goals. Finding these jobs is as easy as responding to a “Help Wanted” sign at a local restaurant or coffee shop. 

Entry-level jobs are popular weekend side jobs and can be a great way to supplement your income. 

26. Blogging

Blogging can be an incredibly well-paying weekend side hustle. It’s also very flexible since you determine your posting schedule. Plus, you can choose your area of interest. 

You can set aside a few hours of your weekend to work on your blog, sharing knowledge and tips on various topics. 

With blogging, however, you need to be patient. You can only start making money once you’ve grown your audience, which can take some time. 

Weekend Side Hustles

You must also be consistent with the blog and leverage SEO techniques to boost your blog’s visibility. 

Once you have decent traffic on your site, you can monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, ads, and brand partnerships. 

To get started, you’ll need a domain name for your website. Namecheap is a good option for registering your domain name, especially for beginners. 

27. Gardening and Lawn Maintenance

If you enjoy spending time outdoors during the weekend, you can make good money by offering gardening and lawn maintenance services. 

This side hustle can be particularly enjoyable if you have a knack for gardening. It’s a relaxing job that’s great for your mental health as you take pride in creating beautiful outdoor spaces. 

This is one of the weekend side jobs that can help you unwind and take a break from a hectic work week by being out in the fresh air. 

28. Work as a Lifeguard

You can make money over the weekend working as a lifeguard at a public swimming pool or the beach. 

To start working as a lifeguard, you must pass some courses and get certified since you’ll be responsible for the safety of swimmers. 

Accredited lifeguard training centers offer these short courses and cover essentials like first aid and CPR. 

Working as a lifeguard is a great weekend side hustle because you can set your hours and rates, so it can easily fit into your schedule. 

29. Senior Companion

Did you know you can make money hanging out with seniors and helping them with simple tasks? 

In-home senior care is becoming more popular, and there are new side hustle opportunities for senior caregivers. 

You can boost your credibility and improve your chances of getting work by taking courses like CPR. 

Getting started as a senior companion is as easy as getting referrals from friends or colleagues or marketing your services on care-based platforms that connect you directly to clients. 

30. Test Apps and Websites

Testing apps and websites is another great weekend side hustle you can do from the comfort of your couch. 

Game developers, web designers, and market research firms are always looking for users to test their products and provide feedback before they’re launched. 


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Plenty of platforms like PlaytestCloud connect you with testing opportunities where you get paid to test apps and websites and give honest feedback. 

Other places to get paid to test apps and websites include:

  • UserTesting
  • Userlytics
  • TryMyUI
  • TestingTime
  • Enroll

31. Become a Social Media Influencer

If you have a large following on your social media platforms and enjoy engaging with people online, you can make good money as a social media influencer. 

Social media influencers make a decent amount of money from endorsement deals and brand partnerships. 

To work as an influencer, you must have a significant online presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. 

Being a social media influencer is a great way to make money doing something you already enjoy. 

32. Sell Your Photos

Selling your photos can also be a lucrative weekend side hustle. Sites like Foap and DepositPhotos are great platforms where you can make money from your selfies. 

Building your audience may take some time with these sites, but it’s a hassle-free way to make money. 

You can also consider adult platforms like OnlyFans, as they are the most lucrative. 

If you’re uncomfortable selling photos of your face, you can still make good money selling feet pics or cosplay photos. 

33. Rent Out Your Car

Renting out your car over the weekend is another hassle-free way to make a few extra bucks. 

You can sign up for peer-to-peer car rental platforms like Getaround and Hyrecar, where you list your car and get connected to people in your area who may want to rent it. 

You decide when the vehicle is available, so the schedule is very flexible. Ensure you take good photos and set realistic prices to improve your chances of getting renters. 

34. Social Media Management

Businesses are always looking for social media managers to help them increase their online presence and reach more people. 

You can work as a social media manager for a business or busy individuals and make money writing and scheduling posts and interacting with followers. 

Social media management is one of the weekend side jobs you can easily scale up and start making a full-time income. 

35. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an excellent way to take advantage of e-commerce without spending thousands of dollars in start-up costs. 

With dropshipping, you don’t have to worry about logistics, stock, and other costs. All you have to do is connect with customers through your website. 

Customers visit your website, put in their order, and complete the payment. You then order that product at wholesale price and have it shipped to the customer, and that’s it. You keep the profits. 

36. Work at a Call Center

Another relatively easy weekend side hustle to consider is working at a call center. 

Most call centers must be available to customers 24/7, so they also need people to cover weekend shifts. 

Working at a call center can be a great side gig if you’re great with people and don’t mind spending hours on the phone. 

37. Participate in Focus Groups

You can also make money over the weekend by joining either virtual or in-person focus groups. 

Researchers and marketers use focus groups to get feedback from people regarding particular products or services and make changes based on this feedback. 

The amount you can make as a focus group participant depends on your personal experience, any relevant expertise, and the types of focus groups you join. 

One of the best focus groups to join is Respondent.

Tips for Starting a Profitable Weekend Side Hustle

  • Consider your interests: Weekends are for unwinding and preparing for the next week, so your side hustles should be things you enjoy to avoid burning yourself out. 
  • Set income goals: Setting specific goals for how much money you want to make from your weekend side hustles will help you stay focused and motivated. Ensure you set realistic goals based on the specific side hustle.
  • Track your income and expenses: Ensure you track your income and expenses to determine profitability. You may be spending more than you’re earning, which is counterproductive. 

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of lucrative, flexible weekend side hustles to make extra money. Ideally, you should choose a side hustle based on your interests so it won’t feel like work. 

11 Jobs That Pay Over $200k A Year Without A Degree

When it comes to jobs that pay over 200k a year, you might immediately think of careers that require an advanced degree, such as doctors, dentists, or lawyers.

But the truth is plenty of high-earning jobs are available that don’t require a degree. Whether you’re a creative person or enjoy working with numbers, there is a job out there that will suit you.

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These careers can bring in more than $200k a year without requiring a bachelor’s degree.

Contents [show]

Real Estate Associate

As a real estate associate, you will be responsible for managing the buying and selling of properties, negotiating contracts, and providing expert advice to your clients. This job requires strong interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and an in-depth understanding of the real estate industry.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for real estate brokers and sales agents was between $65,460 and $175,000 in 2022. However, top earners in this field can make over 200k a year, especially if they work in high-end markets or specialize in luxury properties.

One way to boost your earning potential as a real estate associate is to work for a large brokerage firm that offers commission-based compensation. In this model, you’ll earn a percentage of the sale price every time you close a deal, which means that your earnings will depend directly on how many properties you can sell.

Voice-Over Artist

If you have a talent for creating distinct voices or narrating stories, then a career as a voice-over artist might be the right choice for you.

Voice-over artists provide their voices for films, TV shows, commercials, video games, and other audio productions. To be successful in this field, you’ll need an outstanding voice that can convey different emotions, accents, and timing.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for voice-over artists in the United States is $68,962, with some top-earning professionals making over 200k a year.

Please note that voice-over work can be highly competitive, and you’ll need to have connections in the industry or a remarkable portfolio of past projects to stand out from the crowd.

Business Owner

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a knack for making smart business decisions, starting your own company could be the path to wealth and success.

As a business owner, your income potential is almost limitless, as you can scale up your operations and hire more employees as your company grows.

The amount of money you can make as a business owner will depend on the field you choose, your level of investment, and your ability to attract and retain customers. However, many successful entrepreneurs earn over $200k a year or millions of dollars.

SEE: 7 Businesses You Can Start With $5,000 or Less

Some of the most profitable industries for small business owners include tech startups, e-commerce, healthcare, and real estate.

To increase your chances of success, consider working with experienced business mentors, networking with other entrepreneurs, and investing in marketing strategies that help you reach your target audience.

Social Media Marketer

Social media has become one of the most important marketing channels for businesses of all sizes, and as a result, the demand for skilled social media marketers has skyrocketed. As a social media marketer, your job will be to create and implement social media campaigns that drive leads, increase brand awareness, and engage with customers.

According to PayScale, the average annual salary for social media marketers in the United States is $51,311; more experience and skillset can make an individual earn up to 200k. This job requires excellent communication skills, a creative mindset, and proficiency in social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

To stand out as a social media marketer, you must demonstrate your expertise by building a strong portfolio of past campaigns, developing a deep understanding of social media analytics and metrics, and staying up-to-date with the industry’s latest trends and best practices.

Web Developer

Web development is in high demand as large and small businesses look to build and maintain their online presence. If you have an eye for detail, technical skills, and experience in coding, web development can be a lucrative career choice. According to Indeed, web developers in the United States earn an average annual salary of $75,000. However, those at the top of the field can earn upwards of $200,000 annually.

As a web developer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining websites, often working with teams of designers, marketing specialists, and other development professionals. You’ll need to be comfortable with coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and software applications such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Truck Driver

Truck driving is another career option that can net you a six-figure salary without a degree. With the ongoing demand for goods to be transported across the country, truck drivers are in high demand.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average salary for a truck driver in the United States is $48,000 a year. However, those with experience and seniority can earn upwards of $200,000 annually, transporting oversized freight.

To become a truck driver, you must have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and meet other state and federal requirements. You can typically obtain your CDL through a vocational school or community college, with the option of companies providing on-the-job training.

Independent Contractor

If you have specific skills, such as web design, social media marketing, or graphic design, consider working as an independent contractor.

Independent contractors are self-employed professionals who provide services to businesses and organizations on a contract basis. As an independent contractor, you’ll be responsible for finding work, setting your rates, and managing your finances.

The earning potential for independent contractors can be enormous, with some earning $200,000 a year or more. However, it’s important to remember that you must factor in costs such as taxes, healthcare, and retirement savings.

While the work of an independent contractor can be more flexible, it can also require a higher level of organizational skills, self-discipline, and comfortability with networking and self-promotion.

Stock Trader

Although a finance degree can help you break into the field of trading stocks, it’s not a prerequisite. The art of trading stocks is a high-stress, high-risk career option, but the potential rewards are enormous. According to Glassdoor, experienced stock traders can earn upwards of $200,000 a year, with those working for investment banks earning even more.

To become a stock trader, you’ll need a knack for analysis, patience, a deep understanding of market trends and the ability to react systematically, and the willingness to take risks. Furthermore, trading requires discipline and intuition, learning from mistakes, and unwavering confidence.

Personal Trainer

With an increasing emphasis on health, wellness, and fitness, the demand for personal trainers has never been higher. Personal trainers are trained professionals who work with clients one-on-one to help them achieve their fitness goals.

While a degree in exercise science or kinesiology is helpful, it’s not required. Instead, most gyms and fitness centers require certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

The average annual salary for a personal trainer in the United States is $52,000. However, experienced and certified personal trainers can earn upwards of $200,000 annually.

To succeed as a personal trainer, you must know anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and fitness trends. Furthermore, you must have excellent communication skills, patience, and an ability to connect with people of all ages, abilities, and fitness goals.


Breaking the myth that a college degree is the only path to a high-paying job. There are various professions that offer excellent earning potential without formal education.

From brokers to skilled trades and entrepreneurship, individuals have numerous opportunities to achieve financial success through their skills, experience, and determination.

So, whether you have a degree or not, with hard work, continuous learning, and a passion for what you do can open doors to a fulfilling and lucrative career.